Teamfight Tactics Set 8 is finally here, and with any new TFT set, there are plenty of spicy new traits to wrap your head around. This time around, developer Riot Games has given us everything from drones to a literal Trojan horse to play around with, so needless to say there’s a lot going on with the TFT Set 8 traits.
With much to learn in order to scale the TFT ranks, we’ve put together this handy guide that will teach you everything you need to know about what each trait does, and the champions which fall under their banner.
TFT Set 8 traits
Below you’ll find the flavour text for each of the TFT Set 8 traits. The numbers for each trait are displayed as they were at launch, so be sure to keep an eye on the TFT patch notes for any tweaks to their power.
If you want to find out how much each unit costs, then be sure to check out our TFT Set 8 champions guide.
This trait is only active when you have exactly 1 or 4 unique Aces.
- (1) Execute enemies under 15% health
- (4) Execute enemies under 30% health
Ace units: Draven, Miss Fortune, Samira, Mordekaiser
A.D.M.I.N. configuration varies for each player each game.
- (2) Configure the cause and the effect for your A.D.M.I.N. program
- (4) Configure an additional effect for your A.D.M.I.N. program
- (6) Outputs of the above tiers are increased by 160%
A.D.M.I.N units: Blitzcrank, Camille, LeBlanc, Soraka
All allies gain bonus Magic Resist. Aegis units gain more.
- (2) +25 Magic Resist, +50 for Aegis Units
- (3) +40 Magic Resist, +80 for Aegis Units
- (4) +60 Magic Resist, +120 for Aegis Units
- (5) +85 Magic Resist, +170 for Aegis Units
Aegis units: Alistar, Ekko, Leona, Vi
Anima Squad
When an Anima Squad champion kills another champion, they pause to celebrate and your team builds fame.
Anima Squad champions gain Attack Damage and Ability Power, plus 4 additional maximum Health according to their
shared fame.
- (3) 20% Attack Damage and 20 Ability Power
- (5) 40% Attack Damage and 40 Ability Power
- (7) 99% Attack Damage and 99 Ability Power
Anima Squad units: Jinx, Miss Fortune, Nasus, Riven, Sylas, Vayne
Arsenal units pick the weapons they equip when placed on the board, changing their spell’s effects.
Arsenal units: Aphelios
Brawlers gain additional maximum Health.
- (2) +20% Max Health
- (4) +30% Max Health
- (6) +50% Max Health
- (8) +89% Max Health
Brawler units: Blitzcrank, Jax, Lee Sin, Renekton, Riven, Sejuani, Vi
If there is a Civilian alive, all allies are inspired to fight harder to protect them, gaining mana every 2 seconds.
- (1) +2 mana
- (2) +5 mana
- (3) +10 mana
Civilian units: Galio, Janna, Sivir
Fiddlesticks starts combat dormant. When ally champions die during this time, Fiddlesticks absorbs their soul granting him 15 Ability Power.
After falling below 40% Health or when all allies have died, Fiddlesticks comes alive.
Corrupted units: Fiddlesticks
Innate: Shortly after the start of combat, Defenders taunt nearby enemies.
All allies gain bonus Armor. Defenders gain more.
- (2) +30 Armor, +60 for Defenders
- (4) +60 Armor, +120 for Defenders
- (6) +100 Armor, +200 for Defenders
Defender units: Poppy, Rell, Riven, Sett, Wukong
Duelists’ basic attacks grant them bonus attack speed, up to 10 stacks.
- (2) +6% AS per stack
- (4) +12% AS per stack
- (6) +20% AS per stack
- (8) +35% AS per stack
Duelist units: Fiora, Gangplank, Kayle, Nilah, Vayne, Yasuo, Zed
Janna grants a different buff to all adjacent allies depending on the current weather, which changes every game.
Forecaster units: Janna
Every round, Gadgeteens generate a random modified weapon that can be equipped by any unit. These weapons are
powerful, but not durable, and fall apart after 2 rounds of use.
Gadgeteens will not make new items to replace items left on the bench.
- (3) Create 1 item every round
- (5) Create 2 item every round
Gadgeteen units: Annie, Lulu, Nunu, Poppy, Zoe
Hackers gain omnivamp.
Hackers summon a H4ckerr!m that takes the unit in the Rider Hex into the enemy backline. The Rider is untargetable for the first X seconds of combat.
- (2) 20% Omnivamp
Hacker units: LeBlanc, Zed, Zoe
When Heart units cast their spell, all allies gain stacking Ability Power for the rest of combat.
- (2) +5 Ability Power
- (4) +10 Ability Power
- (6) +15 Ability Power
Heart units: Lee Sin, Lulu, Sona, Soraka, Syndra, Yuumi
All LaserCorps agents are assigned a combat drone. When attacking or being hit by an attack, the drone has a 50% chance to deal magic damage to the agent’s target (0.5 second cooldown).
When a LaserCorps agent dies, their drone is re-assigned to the nearest living LaserCorps agent.
- (3) Drone lasers deal 50 magic damage.
- (6) Drone lasers deal 130 magic damage.
- (9) Drone lasers deal 210 magic damage. Each LaserCorps agent gets another drone.
LaserCorps units: Ashe, Mordekaiser, Renekton, Sejuani, Senna, Yasuo, Zed
When Mascots die, they retreat to the sidelines to cheer on their team. Allies regenerate a percentage of their maximum health every 3 seconds, increased by 1% for each cheering Mascot. Mascots regenerate double this amount.
- (2) Regain 1.5% Health
- (4) Regain 2.5% Health
- (6) Regain 4.5% Health
- (8) Regain 7% Health
Mascot units: Alistar, Galio, Malphite, Nasus, Nunu, Yuumi
Mecha: PRIME
Use the PRIME selector to designate a PRIME.
At the start of combat, the PRIME combines with the two closest other Mecha units, taking a portion of their base Health and Attack Damage.
- (3) 75% Health, 75% Attack Damage
- (5) 100% Health, 100% Attack Damage
Mecha: PRIME units: Draven, Jax, Leona, Sett, Wukong
Ox Force
Ox Force units gain Attack Speed that increases with their missing percent health.
Ox Force units will fight to their dying breath to defend their city, becoming invulnerable for 1.5 seconds the first time
they would die in combat.
- (2) 5% – 15% Attack Speed.
- (4) 30% – 60% Attack Speed.
- (6) 60% – 120% Attack Speed.
Ox Force units: Alistar, Annie, Aphelios, Fiora, Talon, Viego
(2) When they would first fall below 50% health, Pranksters spawn a target dummy, move to a safe location, and restore 500 health.
(3) The enemy who kills a target dummy is stunned for 1.5 seconds
Prankster units: Ekko, Jinx, Zoe
Innate: Recon Units gain attack range.
Before casting, if there is a nearby enemy, Recon units will dash to safety. They also gain bonus Critical Strike Chance.
- (2) +10% Crit Chance
- (3) +35% Crit Chance
- (4) +60% Crit Chance. Recon spells can crit.
Recon units: Ashe, Ezreal, Kai’Sa, Vayne
Renegade units deal bonus damage. The last Renegade standing deals more.
- (3) 30%, 10% Bonus Damage
- (6) 60%, 20% Bonus Damage
Renegade units: Camille, Leona, Sylas, Talon, Viego
Every 6 seconds, Spellslingers replace their next attack with an orb of magic flung at a random target, dealing 75% of their Ability Power as magic damage.
Spellslingers have increased Ability Power.
- (2) +30 AP
- (4) +60 AP
- (6) +100 AP
Spellslinger units: Annie, LeBlanc, Lux, Sona, Taliyah
Star Guardian
When Star Guardians gain mana, they gain more.
- (3) 35% additional mana
- (5) 60% additional mana
- (7) 100% additional mana
- (9) 150% additional mana
Star Guardian units: Ekko, Kai’Sa, Lux, Nilah, Rell, Syndra, Taliyah, Yuumi
(3) Supers strike a pose at the start of combat, granting allies 30% bonus damage. For every three-star unit on your team, the bonus damage % is increased by 5%.
Supers units: Gangplank, Lee Sin, Malphite
Every 5 seconds, Sureshots gain bonus Attack Damage for the rest of combat.
- (2) +25% Attack Damage
- (4) +50% Attack Damage
Sureshot units: Aphelios, Samira, Senna, Sivir
Threats are more powerful than other units. You may field any number of Threats, but they do not gain bonuses for being fielded with other Threats.
Threat units: Aurelion Sol, Bel’Veth, Cho’Gath, Fiddlesticks, Rammus, Urgot, Vel’Koz, Zac
The Underground periodically checks in with the loot from their current heist. You may choose to cut and run and take the current loot, or continue the heist to get even better rewards. After completing a heist, a new one begins. It takes 9 total progress for a heist to complete.
- (3) The Underground makes 1 progress after each Player Combat Round. After a loss, they make 3 progress.
- (5) The Underground makes 2 progress after each Player Combat Round. After a loss, they make 5 progress.
Underground units: Ezreal, Kayle, Samira, Sona, Vi