Rainbow Six Siege hits differently than a lot of FPS games out there. Unlike its genre competitors like the recent COD entry Modern Warfare 3, Siege is all about precision and tactical prowess. However, the Ubisoft shooter is nearing a decade of existence and could do with some polish beyond a current-gen port. Creative director Alexander Karpazis doesn’t share that vision.
Rainbox Six Seige is still viewed as one of the best FPS games around all these years later, but at the recent Siege Invitational, Karpazis says “I can confidently say that we have probably one of the best engines in the world when it comes to live PVP shooters.” In the group interview, as transcribed by PC Gamer, Karpazis explains that Rainbow Six Siege 2 isn’t needed because “we have a huge engine pipeline team that every single month incrementally improves the way that we can deliver content faster, more robust, more stable, hopefully as much as possible.”
Switching up engines and overhauling Siege into another type of experience doesn’t appeal to Karpazis, but not without a good reason. “The idea of switching engines to something that can be off-the-shelf ready simply doesn’t answer the needs of a competitive and demanding game like Siege,” Karpazis elaborates. The creative director is fine with where Siege stands regarding other multiplayer games, though he does offer his perspective on competitors.
“I’m not going to name names, but you see games that did go through sequels and just completely drop the ball because they have to remake every single thing that they did in that first game,” says Karpazis. Although he doesn’t specify what games are guilty of these shortfalls, outliers in the form of Overwatch 2 and recent Call of Duty entries like Modern Warfare 3 come to mind.
The numbers are certainly in favor of Siege’s current state, though, with over 80 million registered users as of 2022, and its reputation as an esports title is immensely strong. Yet, the prospect of a new PS5 game and a new Xbox game emerging in a sequel is enticing, as it could evolve into something fresh. We’ve already seen some of the best games in the genre like The Finals bring fresh perspectives to players, as it truly feels like one of the first next-gen shooters around.
Regardless, Karpazis is confident that Siege “can last forever with the people and the talent and the tools that we have today.” In related FPS news, Modern Warfare 3 is in a massively bug-ridden state, while The Finals Season 2 appears to have some big ambitions.