Ubisoft’s Rainbow Six Extraction has been out about a week now and it looks like we’re already getting teasers for post-launch content and a better idea of the Rainbow Six Extraction roadmap for the months ahead. A Codex entry for Tidworth, a village in Wiltshire, England, has been shared online and many are speculating that this could be the location of Rainbow Six Extractions’ first post-launch map update.
At a glance, it might seem unusual that Ubisoft has chosen Tidworth for a Codex entry – however, this isn’t the first time the location has appeared in Extraction’s lore and we’re not sure this will be the last time either.
Looking at Extraction’s in-game Codex menu – a place where you can find more information on Extraction’s lore – Tidworth is mentioned as a ‘concurrent project’ with classified status. Under the ‘REACT Projects’ tab of the Codex, the village is listed alongside Ekangala, South Africa, and Abricots, Haiti, as one location where lower priority events have been recorded and a recent Twitter post could hint that all three locations are going to be added to Extraction at some point in the future.
This tweet, which you can see below, confirms that the Chimera outbreak – which is the main outbreak you face in Extraction – isn’t the end of the Archaean threat. Mira is actively looking for other strains and a “mutated cow in Tidworth” could be the source of the next outbreak.
Tidworth might seem like a safe location, but geographically it’s near to Porton Down – the home of the Ministry of Defence’s Defence Science and Technology Laboratory.
As one of the most secretive military facilities in England, rumoured to be home to a number of dangerous diseases and viruses, this could be the perfect place for Ubisoft to stage a fictional second outbreak for any post-launch content. It certainly seems logical that the Archaeans would look to these sorts of facilities for new ways to attack and overcome Extraction’s REACT operators and humanity as a whole.
Following events in New Mexico, Dr. Elena María Álvarez (aka Mira) searched for other Chimera strains. Possible match found on mutated cow in Tidworth, UK. Results inconclusive due to tainted sample. pic.twitter.com/Nu5K3V9jdv— Rainbow Six Extraction (@R6Extraction) January 25, 2022
At the moment, information about the Rainbow Six Extraction roadmap and future content for the co-op shooter is light – however, Tidworth seems like it could be where the Extraction’s first Crisis Event will take place.