With the flashy and powerful next-generation PSVR 2 headset out in the wild, you may be asking yourself: are PSVR 2 games on PS4? Here’s everything you need to know about whether you can play PSVR 2 games on PS4.
Given the many great PSVR 2 games out already and the exciting upcoming PSVR 2 games on the way, it’s no wonder why people would want to play PSVR 2 games on PS4. This is based on our time with the headset for our PSVR 2 review.
Are PSVR 2 games playable on PS4?
Unfortunately no, PSVR 2 games are not on PS4 since the PSVR 2 headset is not compatible with the PS4 console. The PSVR 2 is exclusive to the PS5, meaning you can only play PSVR 2 games on a PS5 console.
This is no doubt due to the greater power of the PS5 over the PS4, enabling the PSVR 2 to output incredible graphical fidelity. While it’s a shame that players will have to fork out for a PS5 to accompany the PSVR 2, it’s likely Sony didn’t make this decision lightly.
That’s everything you need to know about whether PSVR 2 games are on PS4 and if the PSVR 2 works with PS4. For more on the next generation of Sony’s VR system, we’ve got you covered with the best PSVR 2 games you can play right now.