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Persona 6 logo leak sparks dual protagonist speculation

The case for Persona 6 dual protagonists is getting stronger with each PS5 and Xbox tease, and a comment made by leaker ‘Midori’ has gotten me thinking.

Persona 6 dual protagonists new leak: a man wearing a red mask with a long nose next to a man wearing a beanie

Developer Atlus has yet to confirm Persona 6’s color theming is going to be grounded in green, despite sneakily teasing it on a previous occasion. Well, now the Persona 6 developer logo has been leaked by ‘Midori’, the (green) writing’s on the wall. What’s more, a comment left by the leaker has once again gotten us speculating that Persona 6 dual protagonists will materialize on PS5 and Xbox.

The logo, shared by Midori to Twitter, shows a lower case ‘p’ interlinking with the number six like some sort of Celtic knot – peep the green background that’s synonymous with that paint teaser. Though it’s not the final Persona 6 logo by any means – Atlus tends to finalize these later in the development process – seeing the interconnected elements could hint at the sort of message the studio is trying to convey in the RPG game (‘togetherness’ is hardly the wildest guess for a Persona game, but it tracks).

Responding to another user who likened the logo to the Ouroboros, Midori says “it is on the edge of yin and yang” – a peculiar comment. This concept of duality is a super interesting one to explore, especially when considering green as Persona 6’s central motif. Could Atlus be looking to contrast nature and technology? Monetary greed and anti-corporatism? Most important, of course, is how duality could materialize in the form of dual protagonists.

Persona 6 dual protagonists: P6 developer logo

Back in March, ResetEra leaker ‘Head on the Block’ also reported that Persona 6 would be based on “black and white” (yin and yang), with two main characters set to star. Atlus has, historically, been pretty poor when it comes to offering a female MC option – one of this year’s best games in Persona 3 Reload even omitted the FeMC from the FES version of the original game in the remake. Though, yes, there are extra development hurdles to jump, Persona 6 sounds like the perfect vehicle to bring back the dual protag.

In another post, Midori also reveals that Persona 6 has actually been in full production since “before the Persona titles that are currently released” – those being P3R and last year’s Persona 5 Tactica. Considering P3R’s production started in 2020, this would place P6’s sometime around 2019. The end of this five-year cycle, based on current rumors, should arrive within the next couple of years. Should this be the case, then I can imagine we’ll start hearing more about Persona 6 after the Metaphor ReFantazio release date rocks up – most likely at The Game Awards in December.

Though everything must be taken with a huge helping of salt until Atlus confirms it – I’m still very much speculating right now – I would be shocked to see Persona 6 arrive without dual protagonists. Maybe there’s an element of hopium in there, but there’s too much smoke to not seriously consider the possibility.

For more of the latest on the best PS5 games and best Xbox games in the realm of RPGs, peep the new Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree pictures that show FromSoftware at its best. Before you go don’t forget to drop us a follow on Google News – there’ll be plenty more Atlus news to come as we head towards Persona 6 and beyond.