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Overwatch 2 players really don’t like the shooter’s main menu

Blizzard has made quite a few changes between Overwatch and Overwatch 2, and not everyone is happy about them - in particular, the alterations made to the menus

Overwatch 2 main menu player complain options: an image of a robot with a smiling face in southern america

We know you may be sitting there wondering why Bastion and Torbjorn are locked and not playable in Overwatch 2, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the player’s problems with Blizzard’s free-to-play hero shooter right now. Not only has Overwatch 2 failed to fix Hanzo’s horrendous arrow hitbox issues, there’s also a growing number of fans who can’t quite get their head around Blizzard’s decisions when it comes to the Overwatch 2 main menu. And, looking at their complaints, we’re inclined to agree with them.

This conversation around Overwatch 2’s main menu began as a Reddit post where user ‘Bilawalm’ asked the internet why Blizzard decided to remove Options from the main menu – something that can now exclusively be found hidden in the ESC menu.

As you might imagine, what with this being a Reddit post, the somewhat comical rhetorical question about Overwatch 2’s Options evolved into a larger discussion on the differences between Overwatch and Overwatch 2 – a series of changes which, you will be surprised to know, a lot of people are complaining about.

Initially, players continued to criticise Blizzard’s menu decisions by complaining about how difficult it was to find Highlights and Match Replays in Overwatch 2. As you can see in this handy post from ‘ImTotallyNotCohen’, both the Highlights menu and the Options menu are easily accessible on the game’s main menu screen.

OK, Why did they remove "Options" from the main menu.
byu/bilawalm inOverwatch

Now, though, players looking for their Overwatch 2 Highlights will need to go through the Career Profile menu to History. Then, in the History menu, players can select Replays and find what they’re after. Although, you will need to scroll down all the way to the bottom of the page – for some reason, they’re sorted from least recent to most recent.

Fans have, as you’d expect, piled onto this with expected complaints about Overwatch 2’s free-to-play monetisation model – a battle pass and a premium currency store – while also complaining about the technical issues the game is facing.

That being said, there are still some valid criticisms to be found online that we’d like to see Blizzard address. For example, Reddit user ‘cOd3guy’ has questioned the decision that you’re only allowed to add three players to the Avoid As Teammate list in Overwatch 2, arguing that “there are more than three toxic people online”.

Interestingly, in this instance, the internet has suggested that this decision was made to help matchmaking at the very top of the Overwatch Competitive pyramid – where the number of players is a lot smaller. While this does make sense, it does also feel like another unusual restriction for casual players who just want to avoid toxicity while playing.

Why is it an arbitrary 3 people? There are more than 3 toxic people online, Blizz, this needs to change.
byu/c0d3guy inOverwatch

We know Blizzard hasn’t addressed any of the complaints above just yet, but there’s nothing to say it won’t at some point. If the fans keep making their voices heard, in a respectful way, then who knows what might happen in the future. For now, though, we’re still trying to work out the best Overwatch 2 DPS heroes and what the best Overwatch 2 crosshair settings are.