Considering the name of the game, it’s no surprise that there are plenty of monsters to find and fight in the full Monster Hunter Rise monster list. Ranging from small monsters that pack a punch like the Baggi all the way to the larger-than-life monsters such as Rathalos, things aren’t going to be easy for hunters arriving in Kamura Village.
Before the Monster Hunter Rise PS5 and Xbox release date arrive, we’re going to give you the full list of the monsters to expect in the latest game, as well as some of the ones you’ll tackle in the future when the Sunbreak expansion arrives for Xbox and PlayStation players. Here’s every monster to slay in Rise.
Monster Hunter Rise monsters list
Here are all of the monsters in the base game of Monster Hunter Rise, split into small and large categories:
Small monsters
- Altaroth
- Anteka
- Baggi
- Bnahabra
- Bombadgy
- Bullfango
- Delex
- Felyne
- Gajau
- Gargwa
- Izuchi
- Jaggi
- Jaggia
- Jagras
- Kelbi
- Kestodon
- Ludroth
- Melynx
- Popo
- Rachnoid
- Remobra
- Rhenoplos
- Slagtoth
- Wroggi
- Uroktor
- Zamite
Large monsters
- Aknosom
- Almudron
- Anjanath
- Arzuros
- Apex Arzuros
- Barioth
- Barroth
- Bazelgeuse
- Basarios
- Bishaten
- Chameleos
- Diablos
- Apex Diablos
- Goss Harag
- Great Baggi
- Great Izuchi
- Great Wroggi
- Jyuratodus
- Khezu
- Kulu-Ya-Ku
- Kushala Daora
- Lagombi
- Magnamalo
- Mizutsune
- Apex Mizutsune
- Nargacuga
- Pukei-Pukei
- Rajang
- Rakna-Kadaki
- Rathalos
- Apex Rathalos
- Rathian
- Apex Rathian
- Royal Ludroth
- Somnacanth
- Teostra
- Tetranadon
- Thunder Serpent Narwa
- Narwa the Allmother
- Tigrex
- Tobi-Kadachi
- Crimson Glow Valstrax
- Volvidon
- Wind Serpent Ibushi
- Zinogre
- Apex Zinogre
Those are all of the monsters you’ll be finding on your hunts during Monster Hunter Rise’s base game. But what dangerous creatures arrive with the Sunbreak expansion?
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak monsters list
These are all of the monsters you’ll find with the Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak expansion:
Small monsters
- Boggi
- Ceanataur
- Gowngoat
- Hermitaur
- Hornetaur
- Pyrantula
- Velociprey
- Vespoid
Large monsters
- Astalos
- Aurora Somnacanth
- Blood Orange Bishaten
- Chaotic Gore Magala
- Daimyo Hermitaur
- Espinas
- Flaming Espinas
- Furious Rajang
- Gaismagorm
- Garangolm
- Gold Rathian
- Gore Magala
- Lucent Nargacuga
- Lunagaron
- Magma Almudron
- Malzeno
- Pyre Rakna-Kadaki
- Risen Chameleos
- Risen Kushala Daora
- Risen Teostra
- Scorned Magnamalo
- Seething Bazelgeuse
- Seregios
- Shagaru Magala
- Shogun Ceanataur
- Silver Rathalos
- Violet Mizutsune
That’s the full Monster Hunter Rise monsters list for the base game and the Sunbreak expansion. There’s some dangerous monsters to hunt, so if you’re wondering if you can do Monster Hunter crossplay with those on other platforms, you may be out of luck.