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Kingdom Hearts 4 SGF dreams potentially killed by Keighley Q&A

The Kingdom Hearts 4 Summer Game Fest hype train may have been derailed by Geoff Keighley, but the delulu dreamer in me hopes he's just downplaying its reveal.

Kingdom Hearts 4 Summer Game Fest Geoff Keighley Q&A: Sora wearing a black and red jacket

“May your heart be your guiding key” could ironically be one of the most damaging mantras to live by if you’re a Kingdom Hearts fan. Because as much as we pour our love into the series and long for that all-important Kingdom Hearts 4 update, we could (once again) end up crushed on an emotional and spiritual level by the end of Summer Game Fest. That is, according to organizer and host Geoff Keighley. Sigh.

Keighley recently hosted an hour-long pre-SGF Q&A in which plenty of fans were asking about Kingdom Hearts 4. This is to be expected, considering Square Enix’s upcoming RPG game is already on a similar level of mythos as the likes of Hollow Knight: Silksong and Bloodborne’s non-existent PC port. Unfortunately, the news isn’t looking good for anyone (myself included) hoping to see a slither of new footage from Sora and pals’ next adventure.

“People keep asking about Kingdom Hearts, I don’t know why,” Keighley says. “People are setting themselves up for failure, but you guys can keep hoping” – and keep hoping I shall. You can check out the full Q&A below.

Kingdom Hearts has had a proper surge of activity over the past couple of months. Between the official announcement it is finally coming to Steam, alongside leaks and rumors surfacing surrounding a potential Fortnite collaboration and a full-blown movie, the storied franchise has had plenty of smoke surrounding it. Considering all of the above, it’s natural to start getting excited about a potential SGF KH4 reintroduction.

I know I’m totally lost in the sauce at this point. Since the movie rumors surfaced at the beginning of last month all I’ve been thinking about is the first potential update to KH4’s progress since 2022’s big reveal. Though Keighley is playing it down, I’m praying my copium-fueled manifestations will triumph (it’s not looking good, homies). He’s totally suggesting it won’t be there just to hide the truth, right? Right?

For more of the latest news on the best PS5 games and best Xbox games in the world of RPGs, check out how FF7 Remake’s combat was transformed in just six months by this former Capcom dev. Additionally, check out the Hogwarts Legacy summer update that celebrates this huge Harry Potter milestone.