Set in the spirit-filled streets of Tokyo, Tango Gameworks is making a different kind of horror game with Ghostwire Tokyo. The game is a fast-paced, action-focused horror that won’t be delivering the typical scares the genre is known for. This unique take on horror has led Xbox players to ask ‘is Ghostwire Tokyo on Game Pass?’ This is so players can get a feel for the experience before putting down a huge chunk of money.
Gameplay for the game involves fast, first-person combat paired alongside some gorgeous colourful visual effects that will light up your screen as you save the souls of Tokyo. Mind-bending environments also help add some flavour and variation to the ghostly streets of Tokyo. But, with the Xbox release can you play it on the service?
Is Ghostwire Tokyo on Game Pass?
Ghostwire Tokyo is on Game Pass from April 12, 2023, alongside the game’s release on Xbox platforms.
Because of the timed-exclusivity agreement between Sony and Bethesda, the Xbox release date for the game was 12 months behind Xbox players. But, now, finally, you can play the whole thing via the service. The game is only available on Xbox Series X|S.
There you have it, everything we know about Ghostwire Tokyo’s Game Pass release. While you wait for the game to hit the service, why not check out the full list of Xbox Game Pass games for console and some other upcoming Xbox Series X games.