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Genshin Impact Rukkhashava Mushroom locations - where to farm

If you're looking for the Genshin Impact Rukkhashava Mushroom locations, where to farm them, and where to buy them, then you're in luck

Genshin Impact Rukkhashava Mushroom locations: Rukkhashava Mushrooms

Deep within the forests of Sumeru, the Genshin Impact Rukkhashava Mushroom locations can be found by players eager to load up on the regional specialty. These blue-ish fungi can also be purchased from select vendors scattered throughout the region.

As more and more Genshin Impact characters are added to Sumeru, so too will the number of characters who require Rukkhashava Mushrooms in order to ascend. So far, only Collei from the Genshin Impact banner is confirmed to require them, though data miners have discovered that they are also on the Scaramouche materials list.

Genshin Impact Rukkhashava Mushroom locations

For farming, the Genshin Impact Rukkhashava Mushroom locations you should prioritise are Apam Woods, southeast of Devantanka Mountain, and Mawtiyama Forest. If you have Tighnari in your party, he will mark these on your minimap with his passive.

Most of the mushrooms are found in the overworld, with the exception of those in the Devantanka Mountain region. These are accessed by heading underground via the pathway next to the giant golem to the southeast.

You can either locate these on the interactive map, or take a look at this complete farming route, courtesy of ‘Xosvbeffl’.


You don’t just have to farm, either. Players can purchase five Rukkhashava Mushrooms from Ashpazi in Gandhara Ville, and Aramani in the dream version of Vanarana, every three days for 1,000 Mora each.

Additionally, players can get a one time injection of four Rukkhashava Mushrooms the first time they speak to Farbod in Gandharva Ville. After selecting the “sounds tough” dialogue option, players can choose “about Rukkhashava Mushrooms” to claim their prize.

And that’s all the Genshin Impact Rukkhashava Mushroom locations, the best farming spots, and where you can pick up more from elsewhere.