Evil Dead The Game puts its asymmetrical spin on the multiplayer genre by letting you play as one of the franchise’s demons as you work towards killing all the other players. As one of the Evil Dead game Demons, you will need to kill or stop the Survivors, who have to complete a host of objectives.
The different Demons in the game are a part of one of three classes: Warlord, Necromancer, or Puppeteer. They each have their own strengths in different situations so learning how they play will be key to winning as the Demon.
Below we have a full list of all the Evil Dead game Demons that you can play as, listing their abilities and classes. That way you can find the one that fits your playstyle before you hop into any multiplayer matches against other players or solo with bots.
Evil Dead Game Demons
There are nine different Evil Dead game demons that you can play as at launch. They are all unlocked at the beginning of the game and can be played whenever you want. Each class has three different variants of demons.
All of the Demons can be seen below, split into each of their classes:
Evil Dead Game Warlord Demons
Warlord Demons in the Evil Dead game are all about causing direct damage to the Survivors in the Evil Dead game. Warlords can increase the damage dealt to players and reduce the damage received by players.
- Active skill – when activated this skill generates an aura around the demon player for a limited time that increases the power of surrounding evil units. It can only be activated when the demon player is in the spirit form but will continue to work if the demon player possesses another unit.
- Belly Flop – Henrietta slams herself to the ground, damaging anyone unlucky enough to be within the shockwave
- Gas Leak – Henrietta leaves a trail of toxic fumes behind her
- Granny Hug – Henrietta squeezes a Survivor’s head. This cannot be dodged. To break free, other Survivors must attack Henrietta.
Deadite Elite
- Active skill – when activated this skill generates an aura around the demon player for a limited time that increases the power of surrounding evil units. It can only be activated when the demon player is in spirit form but will continue to work if the demon player possesses another unit.
- Deadite Smash – Deadite Elites charge forward and smash the ground, damaging anyone in the shockwave
- Big Swing – The Big Swing might be slow, but it covers 180 degrees and deals serious damage
- Active skill – when activated this skill generates an aura around the demon player for a limited time that increases the power of surrounding evil units. It can only be activated when the demon player is in the spirit form but will continue to work if the demon player possesses another unit.
- Puke – Basic Deadites projectile vomit, dealing damage to Survivors
- Farewell To Arms – Basic Deadites rip off their own arm to use as a melee weapon
- Dodge – Basic Deadites can dodge melee attacks like a survivor.
Puppeteer Demons in Evil Dead The Game are focused on puppeteering enemies and using them to your advantage. They can possess evil units and boost their threat against opposing players.
- Active skill – Units you possess have more health, deal more damage, and their attacks increase fear in the targets.
- Telekinetic Surge – Eligos uses telekinetic power to immobilise nearby Survivors
- Casting Stones – Eligos launches rocks at Survivors
- Psychic Squeeze – Elighos uses telekinesis to immobilise and damage a Survivor. This attack cannot be dodged. To break the hold, other survivors must attack Eligos
- Active skill – Units you possess have more health, deal more damage, and their attacks increase fear in the targets.
- Thunderstruck – Demi-Eligos marks the ground beneath each nearby Survivor. If they don’t move, they are hit by a lighting strike
- Duplicity – Demi-Eligoses conjure a clone of themselves with identical damage-dealing ability, but very low health
Deadite Berserker
- Active skill – Units you possess have more health, deal more damage, and their attacks increase fear in the targets.
- Self Destruct – Deadite Berserkers explode at will, inflicting great damage to anyone nearby
- Head Rush – Deadites Berserkers sacrifice themselves by throwing their own heads at Survivors, causing an explosion
- Dodge – Deadite Berserkers can dodge melee attacks like Survivors
The Necromancer Demons you can play as in the Evil Dead game are focused on overpowering and overwhelming the Survivors. They can summon skeletons from out of nowhere to entrap players.
Evil Ash
- Active skill – Increases the bonus damage and defence that the flautist provides to nearby evil units, the flautist cannot move or be possessed.
- Skeletal Support – Evil Ash summons skeletons to help fight
- Skeleton Resurrection – Every Skeleton who dies within the aura’s effect area comes back to life
- Infernal Invigoration – When Evil Ahs chokes a Survivor, Evil Ash heals and the Survivor’s health is damaged. This attack cannot be dodged. To break the hold, other Survivors must attack Evil Ash
- Dodge – Evil Ash can dodge melee attacks like a Survivor
Skeleton Elite
- Active skill – Increases the bonus damage and defence that the flautist provides to nearby evil units, the flautist cannot move or be possessed.
- Trident Smash – Skeleton Elites charge forward and smash the ground, damaging anyone in the shockwave
- Trident Toss – The Skeleton Elite throws its trident, dealing heavy damage to anyone it hits
- Active skill – Increases the bonus damage and defence that the flautist provides to nearby evil units, the flautist cannot move or be possessed.
- Lunging Thrust – Strong and slow melee attack with long range
- War Cry – This blood curdling yell inflicts light damage and knocks back any Survivor within range
- Dodge – Skeletons can dodge melee attacks like Survivors
That covers all the Evil Dead game Demons. For more help as you compete against other players, check out our collection of tips for Evil Dead The Game which covers crossplay, how to win as a Demon, and more.