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Warzone final killcam glitch returns as fans call for feature to be added

Warzone’s latest bug is actually something players have been asking for - the Warzone final killcam glitch is back

Warzone final killcam glitch: An image of a final killcam and another of Solange running in Caldera

Call of Duty Warzone players aren’t strangers to in-game bugs and performance issues – however, the latest in-game glitch is actually something fans have been asking for for a long time. Recently, Warzone players have been finding themselves subjected to a final killcam glitch in Caldera and Rebirth Island. This has happened before, but it looks like it’s becoming a frequent occurrence following the Warzone Season 2 update.

Raven Software is always looking to add new features and gameplay mechanics to Warzone. The Warzone Pacific Season 2 update is a perfect example of this, with a new ammo type and the game-changing Redeploy Balloons introduced to Caldera. These changes have been well-received by fans, largely, but one missing feature still remains a hot topic online: the final killcam.

Warzone players have been calling for this iconic end-of-game feature to be added to the battle royale since its release. With the glitch resurfacing, many are hopeful it’s a sign of things to come.

A Reddit post from ‘KezzaB’, first spotted by Dexerto, shows a final killcam appearing at the end of their game on Caldera – just like you’d expect to see it at the end of a game on Vanguard, Black Ops Cold War, or Modern Warfare. They’re not the only one, though.

Twitter user ‘Buzro_’ has also experienced the Warzone final killcam glitch – but, this time, they’re on Rebirth Island. As you can see below, there doesn’t appear to be any visual issues with the final killcam itself – it just simply isn’t supposed to be there.


With Warzone players desperate for this feature to appear, this unassuming glitch could be the first sign that a final killcam is coming to Warzone in the future. Only time will tell, though, if it’s actually implemented. Raven Software hasn’t mentioned this in any statement on its plans for the battle royale.

While we wait, it’s a good idea to check out our guide to the best Warzone guns and the current Warzone meta. You never know when you might appear on a final killcam – it doesn’t hurt to be prepared with the best options available.