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MW2 double XP weekend arrives for Shoot The Ship grinders

Modern Warfare 2 double XP weekend is here and its a cracking time to jump on Shoot The Ship and grind some camos. But when does it start for COD players?

An operator on the map shoothouse in call of duty modern warfare 2

After a long week or day, jumping onto Modern Warfare 2 with the squad just hits differently, doesn’t it? Well, get your controller and headset charged up because Modern Warfare 2 double XP weekend is at your fingertips. Now is the time to reach fifth prestige. But don’t hesitate to get stuck in, as it’s only back for a limited time.

If you’ve been trying to level up frantically ahead of the Modern Warfare 2 Season 2 release date, then this should put your mind at ease. According to the official Modern Warfare 2 Trello board, players can expect the MW2 double XP weekend to begin on January 27 at 10:00 PST / 13:00 EST and 18:00 GMT. However, there have been occasions where double XP has been activated an hour early. You may just get lucky with an extra bit of XP.

You’ll have until January 30 at 10:00 PST / 13:00 EST and 18:00 GMT to make the most of it. For clarification, this isn’t XP that applies to your weaponry or the Battle Pass. This will level up your PSN or Xbox account rank. That still comes with some goodies, though.

Levelling up will grant you access to new perks and tactical gear, as well as cosmetic items such as emblems and banners. Best of all, you’ll be flying up the ranks to net yourself a lovely prestige title.


Modern Warfare 2 Season 1 is drawing to a close soon, meaning that the current Battle Pass will disappear alongside it. So don’t forget to pop those XP tokens as you jump on for the weekend. When you get playing, we recommend using our best Modern Warfare 2 loadout of the week – it’s a doozy.

If that doesn’t quench your thirst for racking up kills on Shipment, then equipping the best Modern Warfare 2 guns will do the trick. Modern Warfare 2 Season 2 will change the experience for COD players in a few major ways, too. Fans of the Gh0st perk are getting a treat, but it still spells bad news for the overall perk system.

No matter how you feel about Season 2’s changes, at least you’ll be the max rank by the time it arrives. Good luck out there soldier.