With a lot of changes coming in Modern Warfare 2, one of the bigger shifts is the brand new battle pass unlock system, which revolves around working your way through a map, rather than making your way through a linear track. But how do the Modern Warfare 2 battle pass sectors and map work?
Well, this guide will go through what you need to do to get your head around the new system for Call of Duty. As with previous battle passes though, these will link between Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2 with progression tied to one another so you can share rewards while using the best Modern Warfare 2 guns.
Modern Warfare 2 battle pass map sectors
On each Modern Warfare 2 battle pass map there are a total of 20 sectors from A1 to A20. In addition, there are two bonus sectors: A0 represents awards you get for purchasing the premium battle pass while the victory sector represents bonus rewards you can get after unlocking everything in all other sectors.
To unlock rewards, you start off at A1 and then slowly unlock each new sector adjacent to the last one you unlocked by unlocking rewards. This means there is no linear track anymore. You can choose where and when you want to unlock rewards, although you will be locked to sectors adjacent to the ones you have already unlocked. Rewards can be unlocked by earning Battle Tokens which are earned just by playing matches and the game.
Each sector contains five rewards, ranging from cosmetic unlocks, to new weapons and operators, alongside blueprints, COD Points and more. So, you have a bit more room to unlock the guns you want to get rather than having to go through a linear track. There are still some rewards locked behind the premium battle pass, though.
So there you have it, that is how the Modern Warfare 2 Battle Pass map sectors work and how you can unlock new rewards. If you want to more about the new unlock process for items in the game, check out our guide on the Modern Warfare 2 camo challenges.