If you thought Baldur’s Gate 3 was something of a time-sink, then you really should think again – and realize that it’s even more of a time-sink than you first thought. Developer Larian Studios is sharing a handful of interesting community statistics ahead of BG3‘s hotly anticipated Xbox release and new infographics shared show that players on PS5 and PC have spent well over 8,000 years (yes, years!) just making their characters. It’s a miracle anyone has had enough time to make it through Act 1 at all.
As one of the best RPG games of the year – and a shoe-in for everyone’s list of the best games of all time – Baldur’s Gate 3 is easily one of the best PS5 RPG games available and one of several new PS5 games everyone should spend a little (or a lot) of time playing. Thankfully, those of you looking unimpressed at the list of new Xbox games available will be pleased to know that the Baldur’s Gate 3 Xbox release date is also on the way soon. So, you won’t need to miss out on all the fun for too much longer. You may, though, want to clear your schedule and set aside quite a bit of time to create your character – and, of course, pick the best Baldur’s Gate 3 class when you’re doing so.
Why? Well, because Baldur’s Gate 3 players on PS5 and PC have already spent a whopping 8,196 years (at least) in the game’s Character Creator alone – as per these new infographics from Larian Studios. That’s almost three million days, nearly 72 million hours, and 31,909,760 consecutive watch-throughs of the new Dungeons and Dragons movie starring Chris Pine, Michelle Rodriguez, and Hugh Grant – not that we actually recommend trying to watch that movie quite so many times in a row.
If you want to put that into more context, though, Larian Studios reveals that Baldur’s Gate 3 has been played for over 51,662 years. So, that’s 16% of the total playtime being spent just in the Character Creator. It might not sound like a lot at a glance, but it really is a lot of time. That’s like having an hour to play some of the best FPS games or best open-world games on your PS5 or Xbox, and spending ten minutes of that time choosing which one to actually sit down and play.
If, however, you thought that was an impressive stat, Larian Studios has so many more to share with everyone prior to this game’s arrival on Xbox Series X|S.
Of those millions of custom characters that have taken (literally) thousands of years to create, 1.24 million of them have fallen victim to a transformation spell and been turned into a sentient wheel of cheese – so far. It’s never a bad idea to be able to conjure up a fireball or two, but quite a few of the best Baldur’s Gate 3 spells involve things like turning people into wheels of cheese or speaking to corpses – of which, over 113 million conversations have been had already. Who knew those dead folks had so much to say.
In addition to this, over three million of these custom characters were created as Paladin class heroes, making it the most popular option among players on PS5 and PC. While we agree that this is one of the better options available, Cleric and Bard are among the least-popular options at the moment and both of those are among those we consider the best.
Interestingly, almost six million players made their custom character an Elf – which isn’t what we expected. As you can see in the infographic below, if you’re planning on playing as a Halfling, a Gnome, or a Dwarf anytime soon, you’ll be representing one of the three most unpopular race choices in Baldur’s Gate 3 at the moment. You know, we’re sensing something of a theme there somewhere…
Anyway, on a lighter note, Baldur’s Gate 3 players have pet Scratch over 48.5 million times and over 51% of PS5 and PC players have opted to follow through with Shadowheart’s romance plotline. We’re far from surprised that she’s the most popular romance option, but we firmly believe that both Karlach and Lae’zel (who follow up in second and third place) deserve some love too. Then, of course, you have everyone else you can pick from to put together the best Baldur’s Gate 3 party – Astarion, Gale, and Halsin among them. They all deserve some pampering once in a while, too.
If you’re looking forward to jumping into Baldur’s Gate 3 on an Xbox anytime soon (or, of course, on your PS5), you’ll be pleased to know that following through on these romance plotlines should be easier than ever before. The newest Baldur’s Gate 3 patch should fix any Act 3 performance issues this RPG has. You should also read up on how the Baldur’s Gate 3 Cloud of Daggers spell is essentially a cheat code for your character, too; whichever class you pick, it’s something you should add to your arsenal of attacks as soon as you can.