As Dusk Falls has been dubbed an ‘original interactive drama’ by its creators, Interior Night. It takes hard-hitting narrative from studios like Don’t Nod and combines it with the choose-your-own adventure stylings of Supermassive Games titles. Add in As Dusk Falls’ unique graphic novel-inspired art style and fans of the genre should definitely be paying attention, especially if you’re interested in playing multiplayer.
A large part of the fun of this game is in the choices you make, and that is only amplified when playing with friends or stream chats, so we’ve put together this As Dusk Falls multiplayer explained guide so that you can get to grips with how it all works before diving into the game, allowing you to gather your friends and plan how your session is going to go down.
Below, we’ve detailed everything you need to know about the adventure’s multiplayer, including how many people can play, how they can connect, and the different modes on offer.
As Dusk Falls multiplayer explained
As Dusk Falls has many multiplayer features, including both local and online co-op and a Broadcast Mode for streaming.
As Dusk Fall’s co-op mode allows up to eight players to play the game together. The players can connect to the game in local co-op on the same system and online at the same time, so you’re not pigeon-holed into one or the other. Each player connecting via online co-op, however, must own the game or use Game Pass to get access to As Dusk Falls.
Each player connected to the game gets an equal say in what options to pick when story decisions have to be made and the decision with the most votes wins.
The game host can set a number of overrides available to each player per game. If a player decides to use the override feature, their decision is automatically chosen no matter how many votes are made for or against it.
There is also a mobile companion app for As Dusk Falls that allows players to use their mobile device as a controller, allowing you to complete QTEs and vote on decisions. Gameplay will not be broadcast to your mobile device, however, and you will only be able to use it as an input.
There is no matchmaking in As Dusk Falls; all multiplayer is done by inputting invite codes generated by the game’s host.
How Does As Dusk Falls Broadcast Mode work?
As Dusk Falls’ Broadcast Mode allows streamers to integrate their Twitch chat with the game. Users in your chat will get to vote on story decisions so that they get a say in which direction the story heads.
The streamer will be able to use an override for the chat’s decision and will also be required to complete all QTEs.
Hopefully, our As Dusk Falls multiplayer explained guide has helped you understand how to get in-game with friends or your stream chat. For more, we’ve compiled a list of As Dusk Falls cast and voice actors, and we’ve also detailed how many chapters are in the adventure.
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