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Apex Legends tap-strafing removal pushed back for further testing

Respawn says the tap-strafing fix was causing "unexpected side effects" to other Apex movement mechanics

Gibraltar wearing a blue and white set of armour shouts as he charges forward, club in hand

‘Tap-strafing’ has really been the buzzword in the Apex Legends community over the last couple of weeks. The movement mechanic, which allowed PC players to make sharp and immediate turns mid-air to bamboozle opponents, has been at the centre of a debate after Respawn announced that it would be patching out the mechanic in an imminent update.

While the dust has settled on the tap-strafing debate, Respawn has today announced that it will not be removing tap-strafing as soon as it had hoped. The developer says it has encountered “unexpected side effects” when testing its fix for tap-strafing, and says it is “delaying its planned change to a later patch”.

It appears that in trying to remove tap-strafing, other existing balanced and legitimate movement mechanics were being impacted. With Respawn describing movement as “sacred” in Apex Legends, it doesn’t want to cause any collateral damage with this tap-strafing patch. “After further testing, we’ve concluded we need to take more time to get this right to make sure related movement mechanics aren’t caught in the cross-fire,” Respawn explains.

For controller players who have been vocal about the movement disadvantage they have due to tap-strafing, this will be frustrating news to hear. For those who enjoy tap-strafing and have mastered the mechanic, you’ve got a little while longer to make the most of it.

With Apex Legends esports going fully cross-play between PC and consoles this year, and the Respawn team being keen to ensure each system or input is as balanced as it possibly can be, the tap-strafing change is being billed as one of the most important in recent Apex history.

Sadly, we’ll have to wait a little longer to see how it affects those PC players grinding their way up through the Apex Legends ranks.