We know it’s been a while since Apex Legends’ Season 13 kicked off with it’s mammoth Saviors update, which brought new legend Newcastle into the fray, but now we’re looking forwards to the next season. It looks like King’s Canyon is following Storm Point with a map update and there’s a new playable legend on the cards… But, when actually is the Apex Legends Season 14 release date?
Asking about the Apex Legends Season 14 release date is far from foolish – and not just because it means you’re going to have to download a major title update. There’s going to be new content and most-likely a few balancing changes to keep an eye out for – so that Apex Legends tier list is going to change a bit.
However, don’t worry about that now. We have thrown together everything you need to know about the new seasonal content coming to Apex Legends and when it actually comes out below. And, we’ll make sure we keep this updated with all the latest announcements ahead of launch, too. So, make sure you keep an eye on it before Season 14.
Apex Legends Season 14 release date
Following a handful of teasers and the release of the Apex Legends’ Survive animated short, it has been confirmed that the next season of Apex Legends is only a short while away.
Apex Legends’ Season 14 update release date is set for August 8, 2022 – or August 9 depending on your time zone.

Each Apex Legends season gets its own battle pass, so we can expect Season 14 to be hot on the heels of Season 13 and release within a few days of August 8. We’ll let you know as soon as we hear more from Respawn.
To read more about the future of the game’s ranked mode while you wait for the Apex Legends Season 14 release date, see our ranked interview for season 13, where we spoke with the devs about all things Apex Legends.
If you’re looking for something lighter, you can check out a clip of Post Malone necking a shoey during a charity Apex Legends Twitch stream or the latest on why the ALGS has divided fans with Nickmercs’ Pro League invite for year three.