If you want to make the most of Respawn Entertainment’s current Apex Legends event and earn all the Apex Legends Post Malone event rewards, you’re already out of luck – whether you’ve been playing or not. It’s quite-literally impossible to earn everything on offer in the Reward Shop. What’s worse is that players looking to unlock all the Event Badges will need to complete every single one of the Daily Challenges on offer. Every. Single. One.
Now, we know Apex Legends is one of the best battle royale games on PS5 and Xbox right now – and you could argue it’s one of the best FPS games of all time when it comes down to raw gameplay – but it’s far from perfect. Every so often, developer Respawn Entertainment misses the mark – which is fine, it happens. However, when it comes to the new Post Malone event, it’s missing the mark by quite a wide margin – particularly when it comes to the rewards.
Those of you who missed the Apex Legends blog post on the Post Malone event might be surprised to learn that “you won’t earn enough currency (Camo Credits) for everything” available in the Reward Shop – or to max out on Sweepstakes Tokens. These rewards include the ever-valuable Battle Pass Stars, some Apex Packs to gamble with, exclusive Holo-Sprays, and more. The fact that it’s impossible to earn everything on offer during this limited-time event, no matter how much you play (or even pay), is leaving players sour.
However, that’s not even the worst part. If you want to unlock all the Event Badges – which, if we’re being honest, aren’t the most exciting cosmetics out there – you’ll need to complete every single one of the Daily Challenges that pop up throughout the event. With these being ‘low-level’ rewards, it’s hard to picture a world where anyone would actually want to grind that much to unlock them. And, as Redditor ‘WeeeeBa‘ (who raised this very point online) and a number of other Apex Legends players agree, this is just a little ridiculous.
It also means that you might have already missed out on this reward, even if you’re playing every day. You can only earn up to 285 Camo Credits a day, and you need almost 4,000 for the final Event Badge. The new Three Strikes LTM is fun, but we think your time will be better spent working on climbing the Apex Legends ranks. The fact that this new event demands so much time from players, and then makes it literally impossible to earn all the rewards even if you do spend all your time playing, is actually quite insulting. You already need to pay real money for the decent cosmetics – the legend skins and weapon skins – after all.
Yet, no matter how much effort you put in, you won’t actually be able to unlock all the ‘free’ rewards with Camo Credits.
If you do fancy your chances in ranked, though, you can check out the top characters at the moment in our Apex Legends tier list right here and refresh yourself on what all the Apex Legends classes mean here. We know Apex Legends’ Post Malone skins could kick-off a Fortnite-style trend in this FPS, which might not be the worst thing, but Respawn Entertainment should really value it’s players’ time a little more than this.