The Apex Legends Halloween event for 2021 has been and gone, meaning this content is no longer accessible. However, this is a yearly event, so some elements could reappear in the future.
Halloween is a sacred time of year. For kids, it’s a week-long sugar rush as they struggle to get through the rewards from their trick-or-treating efforts. For many adults, it’s a three-day hangover after a heavy night dressed as a zombie, a toilet paper mummy, or a ghost made out of a spare bedsheet you had in the house. But for Apex Legends players, Halloween promises a bountiful haul of loot, be it from clearing the prize track, or stocking up on some spooky new skins.
The Apex Legends Halloween 2021 event, Monsters Within, followed in the footsteps of 2020’s Fight or Fright shenanigans, which saw players fight off the reanimated corpses of their deceased opponents in the Shadow Royale limited-time mode – a tweaked version of 2019’s Shadowfall.
On the skins front, Halloween 2020 introduced new chromas for some of 2019’s best skins, including Wicked Harvest Bloodhound, Midnight Cipher Crypto, and Sweet Dreams Caustic. However, Respawn switched things up for the Halloween 2021 skins, keeping one of the best FPS games on PS5 and Xbox fresh.
Apex Legends Halloween 2021 was bigger and better than ever before. So, here’s all there is to know about Apex Legends Monsters Within.
Apex Legends Halloween event 2021 start date
The Apex Legends Monsters Within start date was Tuesday, October 12, 2021. From then until November 2, you were able to play Encore, a new Arenas map, enjoy the return of Shadow Royale, and unlock a series of limited-time cosmetics, which were available in the in-game shop.
There was also a Dia De Los Muertos Sale from Tuesday, October 26 – Monday, November 1, 2021, where players were able to get their hands on the Epic Muerte Rapida skin, the Epic Altar Ego banner frame, and Rare Flirting with Death skin for Octane and the Volt.
Three other related bundles also returned to the store during this time period, including the Loba Banshee bundle, the Gibraltar Darkside bundle, and the Bangalore Soldado de la Muerte bundle.

Apex Legends Monsters Within skins 2021
The following legends got Apex Legends Halloween skins in 2021:
- Seer
- Bloodhound
- Revenant
- Caustic
- Loba
More skins were available in the store, though, alongside some old, but highly popular skins. As usual, these skins weren’t cheap and easy to come by.
Apex Legends Halloween event 2021 game mode
The Halloween event was split into two for Apex Legends fans in 2021. The Monsters Within event was essentially the teaser to the main event, with new maps and modes to explore. Then it was followed by Shadow Royale, the gold standard of Halloween modes.
For Monsters Within, you had the chance to play Arenas on Encore, which was located on Seer’s home planet, Boreas. This map was brilliant for teams that boasted strong environmental awareness in one of the best multiplayer games.
As mentioned, Shadow Royale also made a comeback for Halloween 2021, which was essentially a darker version of the traditional Apex Games, where slain players came back in Shadow Form to enact revenge.
You needed to play both of these events if you wanted to progress along the Halloween weekly reward track, which handed out shards, Apex Packs, and a Loba skin.
Apex Legends Halloween event 2021 packs
The Apex Legends Monsters Within event also meant that fans got the chance to purchase special limited-time packs. The Monsters Within Packs cost 400 Apex Coins each, which were guaranteed to have one non-dupe event-limited item.
Alongside event items, classic skins like Wraith’s Mistress of Evil and Crypto’s Deadly Byte skins were also thrown in the packs.
That’s all there was to know about the Apex Legends Halloween event 2021. If you fancy getting into the spooky spirit outside of a Halloween event, then it might be time to track down Revenant’s scythe using our Apex Legends Heirlooms guide – though the financial investment to get it might just give your bank account a fright.