Apex Legends players will finally be able to play alongside friends on other platforms thanks to the battle royale’s Aftermarket update, which introduces a cross-play beta.
While a bunch of cosmetics and LTM events are being thrown in with the Aftermarket update, cross-play is by far the standout feature. The cross-play beta is Respawn’s first attempt at matchmaking console and PC players together, as previously players were limited to facing opponents on the same platform.
According to a blog post from Respawn, there are a few caveats to matchmaking. Players on PS4 and Xbox One will only be matched up with other console players, and will only find themselves facing PC players if they are in a squad with a friend who is a PC user. This separation has been made to limit the number of encounters between controller players and mouse and keyboard players. Essentially, console games will never have PC players in them.
With cross-play now enabled, Apex Legends comes into line with battle royale rivals like Call of Duty: Warzone in allowing friends on different platforms compete alongside each other.
It is worth noting that this is a beta, and things could change as players give feedback and Respawn collects data. However, this seems like a pretty suitable set up for cross-play that also eliminates the common frustrations of cross-platform games such as controller and mouse and keyboard players facing each other.
It’s a good job the cross-play beta has been so well received, as Respawn has also decided to scrap Wraith’s trademark Naruto run in this update. You monsters.