Apex Legends Emergence’s introduction of Seer completely turned the popular battle royale game’s meta on its head, as everyone and their nan rushed to try out the legend’s incredibly powerful kit. After that, we were treated to Ash in Season 11: Escape, who shook up the game plan even more.
Ash was a familiar face to those who love Respawn games. Beginning life in Titanfall 2, the simulacrum pilot had been gradually brought into Apex Legends piece by piece (literally) before her full debut.
So, here’s all the info about Apex Legends Ash, including her release date, abilities, and skins in one of the best battle royale games.
Apex Legends Ash release date
Ash was added on Tuesday, November 2, 2021, alongside the launch of Apex Legends Season 11: Escape as one of the main new features.
Apex Legends Ash abilities
Ash’s abilities are as follows:
- (Passive) Marked For Death: Ash’s map shows the location of recent deathboxes. Interact with a deathbox to mark surviving attackers (once per box).
- (Tactical) Arc Snare: Throw a spinning snare that damages and tethers the first enemy that gets too close.
- (Ultimate) Phase Breach: Tear open a one-way portal to a targeted location.
Ash’s kit is littered with call-backs to Titanfall 2. In fact, the name of her passive is a reference to the Marked for Death game mode in Respawn’s previous game.
Additionally, Titanfall 2 fans may note the similarities between Ash’s Phase Breach ability in Apex and the Phase Dash ability used by her Ronin-class Titan.
Check out our Apex Legends tier list to see where we think Ash’s kit ranks in the current meta.
Apex Legends Ash trailer
Alongside the confirmation that Ash would be taking her place in the field, a Story from the Outlands focusing on the legend’s journey so far, ‘Ashes to Ash’, was released. This gave us a glimpse into her character and lore.
We got our first real look at Ash’s reconstructed body back in the Season 9: Legacy trailer, when the simulacrum was revealed to be the overseer of the Apex Legends Arenas.
However, Ash was first teased all the way back in Season 5’s ‘The Broken Ghost’ quest, during which you attached her re-completed head to her body.
How to unlock Ash in Apex Legends
Just like with any other legend, Ash can be unlocked in the in-game store for 750 Apex Coins (you can buy 1,000 Apex Coins for $10.00 or £7.99) or 12,000 Legend Tokens.
So, that’s all you there is to know about Apex Legends’ Ash, a great fighter in the arena and a perfect callback to Titanfall 2 – one of the best FPS games.