The Suburbs are well known in The Last of Us Part 1 as having two of the more frustrating sections in the game: the sewers and avoiding the sniper in the nest. But, as you make your way through both of these sections there are a number of The Last of Us Part 1 remake The Suburbs collectible locations.
Whether it is seeing the rest of Ellie’s jokes or just grabbing supplements and collectibles. Everything can be grabbed as you make your way through the sewers and then the houses outside, but you will have to kill a lot of humans and Infected on the way.
So, be sure to read through the rest of this article to grab all of those The Last of Us Part 1 remake The Suburb collectible locations.
The Last of Us Part 1 remake The Suburbs collectible locations
In The Suburbs in The Last of Us Part 1 remake, there are 24 collectibles to find. These collectables include four optional conversations, ten artefacts, four pendants, two comics, two training manuals, one workbench, and one safe. They are located in the following location:
Antiparticles comic collectible location
As you walk along the shore, look for the large boat and head into the main cabin. Go inside the cabin to find the comic on the main console.
Boat Note artefact collectible location
Just to the left, in the same room, inside the cabin, you can find the note on the side, just opposite the wheel.
Scheffler’s Firefly pendant collectible location
Jump down to the lower level of the boat which has been destroyed and look for the blue barrel. In the mud, by this barrel, you can find the pendant.
Righetti’s Firefly pendant collectible location
After you head into the sewers, look for a gap in the wall on your right. This is before the path diverges. Once up in the small side room, look to the left side to find the pendant hanging from a corpse where the water is coming through.
Supplements 1 collectible location
Head back to the main path and follow Ellie to the right. Get her to go through the gap in the wall and open the door to the side storage room. Inside, you can find some supplements on a shelf.
Sewer’s Note artefact collectible location
Turn around from those supplements, and on the desk you can find the document.
Fuentes’ Firefly pendant collectible location
After you reach the large, open, square room filled with water, dive down and look for the tree sticking out of the water. Round the back of the car next to this tree, you can find the pendant.
Trading Notice artefact collectible location
After swimming under the large gate, climb up the ladder to the catwalk to find a door. Head on through and kill the two Clickers. Look in the back corner to find a document on the floor.
Tools (level 3) collectible location
The level 3 Tools can be found once you, Ellie, Henry, and Sam have climbed up past the large contraption and room full of water. On your left, you can see a door with a warning sign next to it. Head inside to find the tools on the ground.
Supplements 2 collectible location
Turn around and look on the shelf. Sitting here you can find a set of supplements.
Training Manual 1 collectible location
Continue onwards and once you reach the section of the sewers where people were living you will find a set of shelves on your left. Don’t go through the next passage. Here on the shelf, you can find the training manual to pick up.
Supplements 3 collectible location
Walk slightly forward from the last collectible and look on your right at some brown lockers. Here you can find a bottle of supplements.
Rain Catcher Note artefact collectible location
Progress ahead until you come across some Clickers and Runners who are coming towards you. There will be two paths ahead. Take the right path and look on the side of a cart in this room to find the document.
Cornered Note artefact collectible location and supplements 4 collectible location
Once again, keep going forward through the sewers until you find a set of shelves with another door on your left, tucked away behind the shelves. Open it up to find the note on the floor by the corpse. Just next to him is the bottle of supplements.
Supplements 5 collectable location
Once in the large arena with Clickers, Runners, and Stalkers, look to the right of the room before you get to the children’s area where you need to progress. You will see a square hatch you can jump into and the document is on the left in here.
Kid’s Drawing artefact collectible location
Head to the children’s area and look by the blackboard to find a document on a set of shelves.
Looting Notice artefact collectible location
Once outside, head into the first brown house on the street. It has a white painted symbol on the front. Head upstairs and into the bedroom to find the document on a set of drawers.
Supplements 6 collectible location
In the same house, head into the bathroom to grab some supplements.
Optional conversation 3 (pre-requisite)
Head back outside and continue down the street until you reach the corner that curves down the street. Enter the house on your right and go into the kitchen. In here, listen to Henry’s story as you will need this for a conversation later on.
Optional conversation 1 collectible location (pre-requisite)
Opposite that house, you can find a boarded-up house with writing on the wall. Stand over by it and wait for Henry to join you to grab the conversation. You do need to grab this to get the last conversation in this chapter, as well.
Optional conversation 2 collectible location (pre-requisite)
Head down the street until you reach the ice cream van. Wait for Sam and Ellie to join you and chat. After a while, the optional conversation trigger will pop up. You do need to grab this to get the last conversation in this chapter, as well.
Workbench 1 collectible location
Look to your left from the ice cream van to find the first workbench in this level inside the garage of a building.
Father’s Note artefact collectible location
Head into the red house next to the garage and go upstairs. In the bedroom, you can a note on a desk.
Training Manual 2 collectible location
Head out of the bedroom and look up to find the attic hatch you can interact with. Open it up and then boost Ellie up there and she will get the training manual for you.
Optional conversation 3 collectible location
Head outside and go down to the end of the street where the two dogs went. Look on the wall here to find a Firefly symbol. Henry will mention it when he joins you. From there, wait around and Ellie will pull out her joke book. It may take a few minutes for it to trigger. This gets you another optional conversation.
White’s Firefly pendant collectible location
From the optional conversation spot, head up to the garden in front of you. Hanging in the tree branch you can find the final pendant in the chapter. Knock it down with a brick to pick it up.
Supplements 7 collectible location
Head into this house and look by the chair on the ground floor in the living room. You can find a bottle of supplements to pick up.
Optional conversation 4 collectible location
In the same room, Ellie and Sam will play darts. If it doesn’t trigger automatically, go upstairs and then back down to the living room. Once both of them finish playing, pick up the dart from the stool to get the final optional conversation.
Survivor’s Note artefact collectible location
In the same house, go up one floor into the first bedroom. On the ground, by a set of drawers you can find the document.
Messenger Particle comic collectible location
Go into the second bedroom in the same house and look on the desk for the comic.
Matchbook artefact collectible location
Go up to the top floor of the house and look on the set of shelves by the stairs. Here you can find the matchbook, with a safe code.
Safe 1 collectible location and supplements 8 collectible location
Use the code from the matchbook to open the safe in the first bedroom. The code is: 08-21-36. In here you can find a bottle of supplements.
Supplements 9 collectible location
Once you are walking up the street and avoiding the sniper. Head into the final house on the right. On the top floor, in the back bedroom, you can find the final bottle of supplements in this chapter.
That covers all of The Last of Us Part 1 The Suburbs collectible locations. Now you are into the latter half of the game be sure to check out our other guides which can be found in our walkthrough.