PlayStation 5 users, rejoice, for Sony is finally set to add 1440p support for the new gen console. According to a new PlayStation blog post, those accepted into the latest system software beta will gain access to the resolution, among other new quality of life features soon to be released to the masses. However, there’s one major caveat.
On supported PC monitors and TVs, players will finally be able to get the best out of their screens. Additionally, the post says those playing one of the best PS5 games with a higher native resolution – 4K for example – “may benefit from improved anti-aliasing through supersampling down to 1440p output.”
So where’s the issue? Well, according to the small print Variable Refresh Rate – which you can read up on here – will not be available for 1440p output – at least not for now. Regardless, the pros should at least outweigh the cons.
Alongside the new output mode, players can now make up to 15 gamelists – each with 100 games – that will help them keep track of their favourite titles. The new beta also promises an easier way to compare 3D and Stereo audio modes, easier access to in-progress activities, and a few new social features – most notably the ability to request Share Screen from party members.
Though not perfect due to the current lack of VRR, it’s good to see that PS5 1440p support is finally on the way.