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Overwatch 2 maps - all the maps available in the sequel

If you're wondering what Overwatch 2 maps are available, you'll be pleased to know that we have a full roundup of what is in the game here

Overwatch 2 maps: an image of Toronto in-game

There’s a lot about Overwatch 2 that feels familiar to players who have spent some time with Blizzard’s hero shooter Overwatch – however, there are also a number of brand new additions as well. Alongside new Overwatch 2 heroes, there’s going to be a number of new Overwatch 2 maps you’ll find yourself battling it out on.

But, all the existing Overwatch maps are also going to find themselves added to the Overwatch 2 maps list – except Hanamura, Horizon Lunar Colony, Paris, Temple of Anubis, and Volskaya Industries. So, this sequel is going to have roughly the same number of maps as the original – and, you can expect all the new locations to be as incredible and full of character as the returning ones.

So, let’s do a quick run-through of all the Overwatch 2 maps – new and old – and what you can expect to see from each one. Thankfully, you’re not going to have to push a payload on all of them.

Overwatch 2 maps

There are 19 Overwatch 2 maps available in the game currently:

  • Circuit Royal, Monte Carlo
  • Colosseo, Rome
  • Esperança, Lisbon
  • Midtown, New York
  • New Queen Street, Toronto
  • Paraiso, Rio de Janeiro
  • Blizzard World
  • Busan
  • Dorado
  • Eichenwalde
  • Hollywood
  • Ilios
  • Junkertown
  • King’s Row
  • Lijiang Tower
  • Oasis
  • Rialto
  • Route 66
  • Watchpoint: Gibraltar

Well, that’s everything you need to know about all the Overwatch 2 maps. We’ll keep this updated with all the post-launch maps released by Blizzard and (with any luck) all the missing Overwatch maps – if they ever get repurposed and reintroduced.