If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably been impatiently waiting for any sign of a new NieR game from Emil mask-donning director Yoko Taro. Well, there’s a very good chance we might finally be getting our wish, as Square Enix executive officer and NieR series producer Yosuke Saito says he, Taro, and series composer Keiichi Okabe are working on a new project.
“I’ve been talking about wanting to do something with Yoko and Okabe for some time now,” Saito tells Capcom producer Hiroyuki Kobayashi, as revealed in Weekly Famitsu and shared by Gematsu. “I’ll have something a bit more put-together to say in the not-too-distant future, so please stay tuned. It might be NieR, it might not be NieR. (Laughs.) That’s about all I can say for now.” Though it sounds like the project is very much in the initial discussion phase for now, the prospect of a potential follow-up to one of the best games of all time has me on my knees.
Both Saito and Taro attended last year’s G-STAR event in South Korea where they were quizzed on the series’ future. As reported by 4gamer (translated from Japanese to English via Google), Saito said that, as long as Taro remained alive, NieR would continue. However, the producer also stated that there are “circumstances” preventing the pair from getting straight to it.

Interestingly, Saito also noted that he has another project with Taro in the works – a project he was hoping to talk about this year. If this is the same project as the one referenced in this latest Gematsu report, then our NieR dreams may be scuppered. Regardless, it’s exciting to see the trio of maestros working on something fresh.
Aside from the NieR series, Saito, Taro, and Okabe have recently worked on the tabletop RPG game trilogy, Voice of Cards. Though not quite the action RPG you’re probably hoping for, the series is a must-try if you’re looking for something a little more casual to delve into.
For more of the latest news on the best PS5 games in the realm of JRPGs, check out why we might soon be getting annual releases from the likes of Like a Dragon and Persona. Before you go, drop us a follow on Google News – hopefully it won’t be long before we here more from Saito and Co.