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MultiVersus’ Tom and Jerry nerf so strong a buff is already on the way

Do you think MultiVersus’ Tom and Jerry has been updated one too many times? Well, the game director might just agree with you - and another update is coming

MultiVersus Tom and Jerry buff nerf reaction: A cat and a mouse dressed like detectives

We know MultiVersus is one of the best fighting games out there right now, but it isn’t perfect and the most-recent changes to the game’s Tom and Jerry fighter is the perfect example of this. Prior to the most recent update – which you can explore through the MultiVersus patch notes – Tom and Jerry was one of the most overpowered fighters on the roster. It’s safe to say that they had a nerf coming. However, it looks like the changes that were made went a little too far. These changes went so far, in fact, that MultiVersus game director Tony Huynh has confirmed that a reactive Tom and Jerry buff is on the way.

Taking to Twitter to address the issues with MultiVersus’ Tom and Jerry, Huynh explained that the development team is “looking at Tom and Jerry [following] the meta shifts” that have taken place. Adding to this, he bluntly states that the nerfs went too far, confirming that Player First Games is “looking at ways to bring them back”.

Looking at the current state of Tom and Jerry, there is clearly some cause for concern following the duos’ nerf – however, are things really as bad as they seem?

Well, one Reddit user has evidence to suggest that they are. MultiVersus fan ‘Mecastyles’ has shared some statistics that suggest that players using Tom and Jerry in-game have the lowest win-rate in both solo and duo modes across all skill levels. Of course, this is just an average and could very-well just represent the fact that players are still adjusting to the fighter post-update. However, such a dramatic drop so soon is quite alarming.

Tom and Jerry win rate since patch across all levels of play
byu/Mecastyles inMultiVersusTheGame

While there are some MultiVersus fans online sharing their concerns at the fact that Player First Games seems to be changing the MultiVersus meta so frequently with its constant balancing updates, it’s clear that the changes made to Tom and Jerry were one step too far.
Do you think that this fighter deserves to be higher on our MultiVersus tier list? We’re not so sure, at the moment, but things can change and they could-very well find a place in the meta once again.