While Mortal Kombat 1 has seen a rather successful launch, the game is still rife with complaints from fans and players alike. One requested feature is the ability to decline WiFi players in the competitive Kombat League mode, but this may not be an anticipated feature for some players.
Cementing its place as one of the best fighting games available right now, Mortal Kombat 1 has certainly received a lot of praise for delivering a worthy sequel (and pseudo-reboot) to the long-running series. However, as competitive players have picked their mains from the Mortal Kombat 1 tier list, there’s one feature that has been requested by some – WiFi-ping-decline.
Announced by Mortal Kombat creator Ed Boon on Twitter, the long-awaited feature for competitive players is set to arrive on December 14 for all platforms. For those unaware, WiFi-ping-decline will likely allow players to set an automatic filter that declines matches against those using a WiFi connection for their platform.
For some players, this may be a huge blessing – no longer will you have to deal with high-ping opponents, putting things on a level playing field for both players. However, for some, that may mean the matchmaking pool is a lot smaller for the foreseeable future, especially for those on Xbox and PS5.
If you’re someone who is set up with your console or entertainment hub far away from your router, it can be very difficult to set up a wired connection. It’s not impossible, but it is certainly a tedious effort. Therefore, if you connect against a lot of players who want to decline WiFi matches, the pool of players you’ll go up against will likely become a lot smaller.
This issue should be somewhat alleviated by Mortal Kombat 1 crossplay, which finally has a release window of February 2024 for Xbox, PS5, and PC, as confirmed during the recent Quan Chi Kombat Kast. But that’s roughly two months away, and possibly longer if a delay occurs, so matchmaking will likely be difficult for some players until the system finally launches.

That being said, for those of you with a wired connection who have been struggling to fight against high-ping players, this will certainly be good news. And for most casual players, this might mean nothing aside from some longer matchmaking times at the worst.
For now, the next character for the new PS5 game and new Xbox Game is finally coming with the release of Quan Chi into the Mortal Kombat 1 characters list. If you’re hoping to get more competitive, you may want to buy one of the best PS5 controllers and best Xbox controllers during the holidays.