Guardian Collectibles are one of the many items you can hunt down in Guardians of the Galaxy. These can be picked up off the ground across the game’s 16 chapters, and they offer a backstory on each of the Guardians, detailing their history, moments from their tortured pasts, or information about the place they call home.
These collectibles are noticeably hard to find as they aren’t marked anywhere on your HUD. But, if you want to 100% the game, earning the Thoughtful Captain and Managerial Skills trophies and achievements, you will need to find them all and complete this section of the Galactic Compendium. Some of these collectibles are also only available if you make specific choices, so you will need to replay some chapters or play the game on New Game Plus.
Keep reading to see all of the Guardians of the Galaxy Guardian Collectible locations we have found so far in our two playthroughs.
Guardians Of The Galaxy Guardian Collectible Locations
Here are all the Guardian Collectibles we have found so far while playing, split into chapters.
- Chapter 1 Guardian collectible locations
- Chapter 2 Guardian collectible locations
- Chapter 4 Guardian collectible locations
- Chapter 5 Guardian collectible locations
- Chapter 6 Guardian collectible locations
- Chapter 10 Guardian collectible locations
- Chapter 12 Guardian collectible locations
Chapter 1 Guardian Collectible Locations
Ravager Comm Bracelet
After you fall down through the platform, continue forwards into the next room to find the Collectible sat in the corner. Destroy the grey blobs to get access to it. The conversation in the Milano can be had in Peter’s room.
Spinal Control Unit
When in the room with all the black cubes, find your way up to the exit and look behind you to find more barricades made of grey matter to destroy. Destroy them in the corner to find the collectible behind it. The conversation in the Milano can be had in Rocket’s room.
Broken Translation Device
When you reach Nikki’s rooms in the back of the ship, look behind two boxes by a computer to find the collectible. The conversation in the Milano can be had in Groot’s room.
Assassin’s Ring
This Guardian Collectible is only accessible if the meeting with Lady Hellbender doesn’t break out in a fight and you infiltrate the fortress later in the day. Once you reach her collection, look behind a set of boxes in one of the rooms to find the collectible. This conversation in the Milano can be had in Gamora’s room.
Cold Case File
Once you reach the control room for the cells in the ship, look next to the console on the left, to find the collectible sitting on the floor. This conversation for the collectible can be had in Groot’s room on the Milano.
Chapter 6 Guardian Collectible Locations
Collector’s Emporium Doll
On Knowhere, enter the Collector’s collection while exploring and purchase the doll for 2,000 Galactic Credits at the end to obtain this collectible. The conversation in the Milano can be had in Gamora’s room.
Chapter 10 Guardian Collectible Locations
Mourning Candle
After you defeat the beast within the fog, towards the beginning of the cave section, you will see an exit path. Head down this path, but look on the left to find an opening. Squeeze through and climb up the left path when on the other side, to find the collectible on your right once you reach the top platform.
Meditation Stone
While exploring the caves, you will come across a head carved into the rock. Use your Wind Element to pull this head out, revealing the collectable behind on a cliff. Freeze the gas vents to get access to it after pulling the hand across with the Wind Element. This conversation in the Milano can be had in Gamora’s room.
Glarnot Mask
While exploring the overtaken Knowhere, you will come across a pink neon sign with a set of lips. Look to your right to find a set of platforms you can walk across. Freeze the gas vents to find the collectible on the platform that was previously blocked by the gas. This conversation can be had in Rocket’s room within the Milano.
That covers all the Guardians of the Galaxy Guardian Collectibles locations. For more collectible guides and help while playing, check out our Guardians of the Galaxy tips page.