After much anticipation and excitement, Heizou has finally arrived in Genshin Impact! And, as players are getting to grips with how he plays, we have pulled together a Genshin Impact Heizou build with the best artifacts, weapons, and where you should focus your attention.
Heizou is a four-star character and is affiliated with the Tenryou Commission, working as an Inazuman detective. Heizou mostly deals Anemo damage with his variety of abilities and skills that launch opponents and are able to keep them stunned. Alongside those basic attacks he is capable when it comes to both AoE damage and buffing his team.
So if you want to know how you should be building the character, then this article will have you covered. Continue reading for all the Genshin Impact Heizou build best artifacts, weapons, talent priority, and more.
Genshin Impact Heizou build talent priority
When it comes to talent priority for the best Heizou build in Genshin Impact, you will want either a full EM build or an attack, Anemo damage, and Crit Circlet build.
However, there is also room to be able to mix and match these two.
Genshin Impact Heizou build artifacts
The best artifact set for a Heizou build is the Viridescent Venerer. This four-piece set significantly increases his Anemo damage and critical hit effectiveness, as well as lowering an enemy’s resistance.
Even if you don’t have all four pieces, having just a couple will see your damage boosted drastically when using Heizou. If you happen to be using the Viridescent Venerer set on another character, then the Shimenawa’s Reminiscence artifact set is a good backup.
Genshin Impact Heizou build weapons
The best Genshin Impact Heziou build weapons are the Mappa Mare, Solar Pearl, Skyward Atlas, and all five-star Catalysts. As the Mappa Mare is craftable it is more viable and it will trigger an elemental reaction that gives you a nice elemental damage boost for 10 seconds.
The Solar Pearl Catalyst increases your elemental attack and skill damage as you attack with normal attacks. It is also easily obtainable. Skyward Atlus is another choice that increases your elemental and attack damage. Finally, any of the five-star Catalysts are a great weapon choice for Heizou if you have them!
For more on Genshin Impact, be sure to keep an eye out for additional tips and guides as new characters are introduced.