The Genshin Impact Ganyu and Kokomi banner is soon to arrive, and developer HoYoverse has finally lifted the lid on who will be joining them on the Genshin Impact banner when Phase Two of the popular ARPG’s 3.0 update goes live on September 9.
Both Genshin Impact characters will be flanked by the latest edition to the roster, Dori, alongside Sucrose and Xingqiu. We last saw Sucrose make an appearance on Ayato and Venti’s banners at the end of March, while Xingqiu hasn’t popped up on a pull since he was on Ganyu and Zhongli’s first rerun banners back in February.
It should be noted that, when Genshin Impact 3.1 rolls round, Dori will enter the standard wish pool alongside Tighnari. So if players don’t pick her up now, she won’t disappear. For those who do want to try and grab the new Electro unit now, they can do so up until 3.0 Phase Two ends on September 27.
Alongside the four-star characters, HoYoverse has also dropped the details on the weapon banner for the upcoming version. Everlasting Moonglow (Catalyst) and Amos’ Bow (Bow) will constitute the five-star offerings.
Meanwhile, the four-star weapons are Sacrificial Sword (Sword), Favonius Greatsword (Claymore), Dragon’s Bane (Polearm), Eye of Perception (Catalyst), and Rust (Bow).
Of course, in order to wish on the banners players are going to need to cough up some of those all-important Primogems. Fortunately, during Phase Two, players can snag some extra currency through the ‘Tablet Analytics’ event. Here players will assist Hajanad and take part in trials that will see them utilise “Remelting Effects” to clear combat challenges.