Forza Horizon 5‘s latest Series is back with another set of smashables for you to find and take on. This time it is Forza Horizon 5 Dinosaur Pinata locations around the map. These smashables form one of the challenges in the Series 5 Festival Playlist, which rewards you with a nice 3 Points towards the seasonal rewards.
These Smashables aren’t the hardest to find, but you will have to smash 15 of them at speed in order to check the box off on the Festival Playlist menu. So, to save you driving around Mexico for hours, we have gone ahead and pinpointed the best Forza Horizon 5 Dinosaur Pinata locations.
Below, you can find the best spot, and as with all smashable challenges you can fast travel elsewhere to save and restart your game to have the smashables respawn on the map for you to drive through once more.
Forza Horizon 5 Dinosaur Pinata Locations
The best place to find Dinosaur Pinatas in Forza Horizon 5 is in an Eventlab course which has placed a bunch of them close by. The one you want can be found with the share code: 120 191 364.
This course was created by ‘DungG‘ on Youtube and places about two dozen or so pinatas close to one another. But, you will have to restart the course multiple times as the game is a bit glitchy when it comes to registering pinatas you have driven through.
You can find the full video below:

That covers all the best Forza Horizon 5 Dinosaur Pinata locations so you can complete the challenge this week. For more help with smashable challenges, check out our guide on Forza Horizon 5 Guanajuato Bike locations.