Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth just capped off a pretty great State of Play showcase with a new trailer. In that same trailer, Square Enix confirmed the Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth release date, but additional comments from the team have unveiled even more about the upcoming experience and just how expansive it will be. Considering how much of the original game this part has to cover, it’s no surprise that the Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth length is close to 100 hours.
On Twitter, Naoki Hamaguchi shared a statement on the new announcement and trailer and revealed that the game will have “free exploration” seemingly suggesting that the map will be open-world (which many have speculated). Additionally, the RPG will be packed full of “compelling stories, fun mini-games, powerful monsters, and so much more to find… as nearly 100 hours of adventure awaits.”
This length is extremely long and in fact, makes it longer than both Final Fantasy 7 remake’s story and Final Fantasy 16’s story put together. But, the latest trailer for the game shows we will be going to the Golden Saucer and even up to the Great Glacier and possibly the Northern Crater. This is about 60% of the original game. So, we are in for a lengthy journey, as evidenced by the new methods of traversal like a buggy and Chocobo.
Additionally, if one playthrough isn’t enough for you, Square Enix on the PlayStation Blog reveals that the game’s side content will be twice as big as the main story quests. This potentially means the story will be about the same as Final Fantasy 7 Remake (30-40 hours), while the side content fills up the other 50-60 hours.
And, if one playthrough isn’t enough the RPG will feature skill trees to expand the depth throughout the game to “customize and build character loadouts” to your own tastes. All of these skills are brand new for the remake trilogy. So there is possibly potential to do repeat playthroughs with entirely different loadouts for your party.
Building on the mechanic from Final Fantasy 7 Remake Intermission’s DLC, party members, and Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth characters can now use synergy attacks to use abilities – similar to Limit Breaks and the combo attacks between Yuffie and Sonan. Another tidbit of information is that a brand new summon will be in Rebirth that wasn’t in the original game with side content expanding upon its role in the world.
Overall, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is shaping up really nicely and it looks like what everyone wanted from the follow-up to one of the best PS4 games and this one is likely to end up on our best PS5 games list. If you want to read up on everything we know so far, take a look at why the party was dead in footage from the last Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth trailer at Summer Game Fest. You can also nab yourself a stunning Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Collector’s Edition which was also revealed alongside this latest trailer.