Cast your mind back to the Verdansk days of Call of Duty Warzone. When the Bruen LMG was finally nerfed into the ground, there may as well have been an international day of celebration with the amount of relief felt by Warzone players. However, it was succeeded by a new achingly powerful LMG: the FiNN.
This absolutely dominating weapon looked at the pre-nerf Bruen and says ‘Pah, call that overpowered?’ It picked up where the Bruen left off in terms of being arguably the strongest weapon in the one of the best battle royales, but it went one step further by being a complete animal in Modern Warfare’s multiplayer too.
The FiNN could be set up in any which way you like and can be used as a close-quarters shredder, an AR-beating midrange beast, a long range laser beam, or even a wannabe minigun – it was completely overpowered and dominated the Warzone meta.
With so many ways to build this gun, there wasn’t really a definitive ‘best FiNN loadout’ for Warzone, so we highlighted the three main ways it could be built out with attachments.
Best FiNN Warzone loadout for long range
The best Warzone FiNN loadout for long range was:
- Monolithic Suppressor
- XRK LongShot Adverse
- Tac Laser
- VLK 3.0x Optic
- Ranger Foregrip
This lineup of attachments made the perfect FiNN build for cutting down far away enemies. With increased damage range, aiming stability, and that all important VLK 3.0x Optic for zooming right in on your victim, it boasted better slaying abilities than the fan-favorite Bruen before it was nerfed.
Mobility takes a hit, though, so running this with a more agile SMG or shotgun for close range engagements was essential.
Best FiNN Warzone loadout for close range
The best Warzone FiNN loadout for close range was:
- Monolithic Suppressor
- Tac Laser
- Merc Foregrip
- No Stock
- 5.56 CT 75-Round Belts
If you like getting up close and personal in Warzone, this FiNN build was the one for you. While it sacrificed a lot of long distance strength, these attachments made it quick, agile, and snappy.
With improved ADS speed and movement speed, the FiNN feels closer to an AR than an LMG. The 5.56 CT ammunition could divide opinion however, as it does reduce bullet velocity and damage. If you didn’t get on with this attachment, you could swap it out for the Sleight of Hand weapon perk, as that made reloading (which took a while with the FiNN) a lot faster.
Best FiNN ChainSAW Warzone loadout
The best Warzone FiNN loadout with the hip-fire only ChainSAW attachment was:
- Monolithic Suppressor
- XRK LongShot Adverse
- 5.56 NATO 100-Round Belts
- XRK ChainSAW
- Tac Laser
Oh boy, this thing was a hoot. While it might not have be advisable to actually run a ChianSAW FiNN in Verdansk, if you were brave enough to give it a shot then this is how you would want it set up.
The ChainSAW stock turned this LMG into a minigun-style hip-fire weapon – similar to the Hades Operator Mod from Black Ops 4. While you can’t ADS, it really packed a punch, and was also billed as a beast in small multiplayer Modern Warfare maps like Shipment, rather than in the extensive battlefield of Warzone.
However, this build gave you the best shot if you really wanted to drop in as an aspiring Juggernaut, with the impetus on bullet damage and aiming stability, as well as having 100 rounds in the mag so you could keep that trigger finger held down all day long.
There we have it, folks, our long range, close range, and ‘completely lost your marbles’ builds for the FiNN. Warzone has had some terrifying weapons in its time, but this one really took the biscuit.