In previous years, Warzone’s Gulag left you with one choice: kill or be killed. Now, as part of Infinity Ward’s efforts to shake things up in the battle royale’s sequel, the new Warzone 2 Gulag offers you the chance to team up with your enemies and get out of jail for free.
The Gulag is still an arena for battle for downed soldiers, but this time around, four players, split into teams of two, will face off against each other. They can go down the traditional route and opt to eliminate each other in a bid for freedom or they can choose to team up and defeat the Jailer, an AI enemy that sits in the middle of the map.
The Jailer is there to disrupt things and, ultimately, speed up combat. Gone are the days where you can sit in the middle of the map, waiting for the flag to spawn for an easy victory. Players can battle it out around the Jailer or take him on in the name of freedom.
Defeat the Jailer and everyone – even the two players on the enemy team – will be handed a get out of jail free card and released back into Al Mazrah.
However, there will be a time limit to Gulags, and if no one dies or the Jailer isn’t defeated, then all four players are eliminated and won’t return to the battlefield. Gulags are meant to be high-stakes environments and in Warzone 2 that’s truer than ever.
In other news, Warzone 2 and DMZ is getting a Rainbow Six Siege style interrogation mechanic and Infinity Ward has announced the Warzone 2 preload time.