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Modern Warfare 2 Season 4 needs to reinstate permanent 10v10 mode

Though MW2 Season 3 Reloaded brought us new weapons and maps to feast upon, MW2 Season 4 needs to make this beloved game mode permanent according to fans.

Alejandro operator skin in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2

Pack your bags and your weapon mags, the Modern Warfare 2 Season 4 release date is approaching and COD fans are already pondering what content should be included. Though Modern Warfare 2 has plenty of playlists to peruse, Modern Warfare 2 Season 4 has an opportunity to promote one of its more popular game modes to a permanent slot. Members of the Call of Duty community are ready for MW2 10v10 mode to receive star treatment.

Scrolling through Modern Warfare 2’s plethora of multiplayer modes, COD Redditor ‘reacted345’ directs his frustration to Infinity Ward: “Why would you do this? Just give us regular 10v10.” Presently, the latest COD entry offers player 10v10 mode in the form of Dome 10v10, limiting the playlist to this specific battleground. Reintroduced to COD players back in MW2 Season 2, its reputation as a beloved map has afforded it popularity within the Modern Warfare 2 maps roster.

However, nostalgia and refined graphical enhancements aren’t enough to make a Dome-centric playlist afloat. Others aren’t so sure of Dome’s appeal, with Redditor ‘shikull‘ contributing their thoughts: “Never got the dome hype in any game. Not sure of other [players] thoughts but the Museum would be a great 10v10 map on repeat. Or just give [us] regular 10v10.”

COD community member ‘Hoppikinz‘ believes that “Dome is one of the ONLY maps that is suitable for 6v6 multiplayer, and instead of giving us a 10v10 mode for the other maps that flow SO MUCH better with a higher play count, we get this.”

Why would you do this? Just give us regular 10v10.
byu/reacted345 inModernWarfareII

Calls for Infinity Ward to implement modes like this are persistent, with previous pleas pointing toward this forgotten Black Ops Cold War mode as an example to bring back into the fold. We all know that Shipment 24/7 and its Shoot House variant have brought players to the game in droves – especially as they grind all of MW2’s camos. However, the agile pace and edge of 10v10 could be a much-needed adrenaline injection to keep the game’s existing map list alive and kicking.

With the Call of Duty 2023 release date approaching, hopes for a batch of classic Modern Warfare 2 map remasters have since dwindled away. We’re still hanging on to the dream of tearing it up on Terminal or Highrise – and we don’t mean the recreations present in Warzone 2.

If Infinity Ward does make 10v10 mode a regular addition to forthcoming MW2 playlist rotations, you’ll need to brush up on the best Modern Warfare 2 guns as you head into a heated skirmish.