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Do you need to own Call of Duty MW2 to play MW3?

For those hoping to play the upcoming entry in the series, here’s if you need to own Call of Duty MW2 to play MW3 on PS5, Xbox, or PC.

Own Call of Duty MW2 to play MW3: Farah from Modern Warfare 2 in front of an MW3 background

Do you need to own Call of Duty MW2 to play MW3? All eyes are on the next installment of the Modern Warfare series, but after reports suggesting that 2023’s Call of Duty would be a Modern Warfare expansion, and then MW3 was revealed, it may leave you wondering: Is Call of Duty MW3 a DLC for MW2?

The Call of Duty MW3 release date is approaching fast, and we’re about ready to exfil into the latest iteration of the best FPS game series. Especially to see the changes to Call of Duty Warzone. But considering the confusing leaks, rumors, and more, it’s no surprise that you’re probably wondering if you need to have a copy of last year’s COD game to play the latest one.

Do you need to own Call of Duty MW2 to play MW3?

No, Call of Duty MW3 is a standalone game and a sequel to 2022’s MW2. Modern Warfare 3 was originally rumored to be a triple-A priced map pack for Modern Warfare 2, but Activision has revealed it is a full premium experience, continuing COD’s annual release schedule.

Original reports and leaks suggested that Activision would be skipping a premium release this year, with the belief that there would be an expensive DLC pack that you could purchase to extend your Modern Warfare 2 experience. However, this is not the case, with MW3 continuing the trend of yearly Call of Duty titles.

However, despite being its own game, Call of Duty MW3 multiplayer will allow you to carry forward guns from MW2, alongside being able to unlock Modern Warfare 2’s guns in the upcoming game. That means you can use MW2’s best guns in both games.

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While you don’t need to own Call of Duty MW2 to play MW3, we do recommend giving it a shot if it goes on discount before MW3’s launch. It’s great fun, and playing the campaign will catch you up before you meet the Call of Duty MW3 characters again in the Call of Duty MW3 campaign.

Now you know that Call of Duty MW3 is not a DLC for MW2, you can decide whether to purchase a copy or not. If you want to save your money for the Call of Duty MW3 pre-orders, then you’ll get access during the Call of Duty MW3 beta dates, as well as during the Call of Duty MW3 early access period.