Apex Legends players have a lot of ways to express themselves in-game thanks to the game’s wide range of weapon charms, legend skins, holo-sprays, and more. While there are quite a few cosmetics in the battle royale shooter, there could always be more – and it seems as though Respawn Entertainment think that, too. Why? Well, a recent datamine has revealed information that suggests Apex Legends is getting weapon stickers in the future – a little like what you’d see in Call of Duty Warzone.
Apex Legends YouTuber ‘HyperMyst’ recently uploaded a video offering a short glimpse of datamined weapon stickers in Apex Legends – both the raw image files and the stickers plastered all over in-game weapons. Of course, it’s hard to tell if these are legitimate or not – but they look it (and we think weapon stickers are a fantastic idea).
The Apex Legends weapon stickers HyperMyst has offered us a look at showcase cartoonish chibi designs of Apex Legends’ roster of characters. Those represented include Bloodhound, Wraith, Mirage, Octane, Wattson, and Horizon – among other designs. If Apex Legends’ past with cosmetics is anything to go by, we could see a healthy selection of weapon stickers introduced through each in-game event and update – just like weapon charms and holo-sprays.
If you’re wondering what these Apex Legends weapon stickers actually look like, you can check out HyperMyst’s YouTube video below:
In the video, they also show off a look at a possible new type of Loot Pack: the Holospray Theme Pack. There’s no information to suggest that this is where weapon stickers will be and they don’t divulge any information about when either of these things might become available.
Well, that’s all there is to know about Apex Legends weapon stickers in the future. We don’t think it’s the worst idea, but a Reddit thread on the concept does raise a good point – the Loot Pack reward pool is going to be diluted even more than it already is. We know Respawn Entertainment doesn’t give players duplicates, but this would make getting the rarer items even harder going forwards.
Still, if you’re looking for another way to express yourself, you’ll find it here. While we wait for more information on this idea, it’s worth checking out our updated Apex Legends tier list – you never know when you might need a refresher for tackling the Apex Legends ranks.