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Code 100 Apex Legends - error code explained and how to fix

Here is what the Code 100 Apex Legends error code means and how to go about fixing it.

The legends can be seen hanging out together.

Apex Legends Code 100 is a somewhat common error code that players experience when playing the battle royale, halting progress and presenting the error “unable to complete EA sign in”. Popping up more and more, this error can be a major pain for those who are trying to win their next match or rank up their battle pass and unlock new tiers of rewards.

The error code is one of a number of codes that Apex Legends players can suffer from but as with most error codes, the problem is likely not with you and is a wider issue being suffered by EA and Respawn. So, at least you won’t be alone if you do suffer from the Code 100 Apex Legends issue – though that doesn’t make being unable to play one of the best battle royale games any less frustrating.

Code 100 Apex Legends explained

It isn’t clear why Code 100 for Apex Legends can appear for players. But, the first thing you should do is always check the Apex Legends Twitter for status updates to see if there is a wider issue with the game.

How to fix the Code 100 Apex Legends error code

When it comes to fixing Apex Legends’ code 100 problem and the issue of being “unable to complete EA sign-in”, you can try a few different things.

The first is to do what is mentioned above and check the Apex Legends Twitter to make sure the servers haven’t been hit or brought down.

If the servers aren’t down, the next thing you can try to do is ensure your accounts are linked correctly to EA, which is particularly important for PlayStation and Xbox players. This has fixed the error for some players in the past. Linking can be done on the EA website by signing in with your EA account.

If this still hasn’t fixed the issue, then the next fix you can try is to reset your internet. Unplug your router for five to ten seconds, shut down your device, and then plug your router back in. Now, boot up Apex Legends and see if this has fixed the issue.

If this still hasn’t fixed your issue, you have one final option: changing your Domain Name Server (DNS), to do this on PlayStation or Xbox, head into the system system, and then network settings.

Choose either a LAN or WiFi connection depending on your setup and choose the following settings:

  • Primary DNS:
  • Secondary DNS:

Everything else can stay as the default options. Hopefully, this should fix your issue. If you are still experiencing the Code 100 error in Apex Legends, try contacting your internet provider or EA support for help, however.

That covers Apex Legends’ Code 100 error code and what you can do to try and fix it.