The streets of Bright Falls are paved with secrets to uncover in Alan Wake 2, and it is up to FBI detective Saga Anderson to find our favorite author. Following the game’s appearance at Gamescom, a new slice of gameplay focuses on Anderson’s investigation, bearing a strong resemblance to plans Remedy originally had for the first Alan Wake game.
Debuting as part of IGN First coverage, Anderson explores Bright Falls in what appears to be an open-world style fashion, unlike the previous game. Notably, we note that Alan Wake 2 indicates which areas of Bright Falls the player is in, with a location pop-up in the bottom left of the screen. Now, exploring hub-like areas might not seem like a big deal initially, but it is for the Alan Wake franchise.
Back in 2005, the first Alan Wake game featured vehicles and an open-world version of Bright Falls, which is documented in a prototype from Remedy Entertainment. However, as we know, the game’s direction drastically changed into the linear, episodic focus that helped make it a hit with fans. With all the hardware advancements available since Alan Wake was released, it makes sense that Remedy Entertainment would potentially revisit this concept for the very ambitious sequel.

We also get further looks into the game’s investigation mechanics. Saga speaks with local residents, using clues learned in conversation in the game’s instantly accessible Mind Place – a representation of Anderson’s intellectual prowess. Combat gets time to shine, too, with punchier weapons and excellent sound design accompanying each bullet. There’s even a handy new crossbow for Saga to use, which confirms there is more than just handguns and shotguns to wield. At least in the ‘real world’ anyway.
Control fans are going to get a kick out of this new gameplay as well. Not only do we get some strong Twin Peaks The Return vibes from Saga observing some afternoon karaoke, but eagle-eyed viewers will note that Ahti the Janitor is the one signing us a lovely tune. The Remedy Connected Universe grows stronger. And of course, you have to love that great nod to Dale Cooper’s fishy coffee below.

If you’re still after more Alan Wake 2 gameplay details, then you’re in luck. We recently attended an Alan Wake 2 preview at Gamescom, while also picking creative director Sam Lake‘s brain about revisiting the character after all this time.