When is the Quantum Error release date? After being announced back in 2020, this cosmic-horror game from indie developer TeamKill Media, this game has received praise and controversy alike, but it’s finally going to be in our hands very soon.
Despite being the sophomore game from a seven-year-old studio, Quantum Error has a chance of being one of the most interesting and best horror games, if not for its focus on cosmic horror. But could it be one of the best FPS games too? We’ll have to wait and see when the game finally releases.
Quantum Error release date
The Quantum Error release date is November 3, 2023, on PS5 as confirmed by the developer in a recent story trailer for the game. The PS4 version of Quantum Error was recently canceled by the studio and the Xbox Series X|S and PC version is coming later on.
This follows the announcement of the game going gold in early August, meaning that the game is fully developed and ready for release.
Ahead of the release date announcement, there’s been lots of controversy from the Xbox fanbase regarding the developers’ statements about the Xbox version of the game. The developer says that “[Quantum Error] has been made to be played with the PS5’s extremely fast SSD, the Xbox SSD is quite a bit slower”, which means it needed to spend more time testing the Series X|S version of the game.

After receiving lots of comments from Xbox players, the studio went on to confirm that Quantum Error contains a boss fight that transitions four to five times, similar to the instantaneous loading in Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart. And that “without the extra speed of the SSD in the PS5 this boss fight could stall or hitch.”
Toward the end of the controversy, TeamKill Media confirmed that it “will not release the Xbox version until it is ready and want Xbox fans to be able to enjoy the game experience and quality as much as PS5 fans.”
Quantum Error gameplay
A recent gameplay trailer for the game, which lasts 16 minutes, showcases a level set on the Quantum Gravity Research floor of the game. The video shows off a mix of first and third-person gameplay.
Quantum Error is a survival-horror title, similar to Dead Space or the Resident Evil series, seemingly inspired by some of the best PS5 horror games so far. However, unlike those iconic horror games, Quantum Error seems to offer a weapon wheel akin to something like Doom, while having survival elements such as needing a respirator in areas without oxygen, or looting ammo when you are away from enemies.

Similar to Dead Space, the game features plenty of crowded hallways and claustrophobic rooms, allowing enemies to quickly put you on edge.
Quantum Error also features lots of immersion features, according to the game’s website. Including the standard haptic feedback that we’ve come to love (or not mind), adaptive triggers, and 3D audio, the game will also use the DualSense’s microphone for you to deliver CPR during the narrative. Whether this is an ambition for the developer or something in the full release, we’ll have to wait and see.
Quantum Error story
In the year 2109, AI has been integrated into everyday life, with a company called Monad creating a mandatory AI for all humans, called ARGUS. Monad also owns a Quantum Research Facility off the coast of California, which at the start of the story, is engulfed in flames and put into a full lockdown following an attack by an unknown entity.
You play as Captain Jacob Thomas, and alongside your partner Shane Costa, you are escorted by helicopter to the facility. However, a simple mission becomes a horrifying nightmare, as you’re taken into different realities and other worlds, as you fight for your survival.

That’s everything we know about the game ahead of the Quantum Error release date. If you’re wanting something great to play as you pass the time ahead of the game’s launch, check out the best games of all time, some of which you may have been keeping in your backlog for times like this.