Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 is currently in beta and it’s glorious. We’re having a grand old time and opinions about whether it’s better than Black Ops are flying around The Loadout HQ. But, when does the Modern Warfare 2 beta end? Too soon, in our opinion.
With new maps, a revamped Gunsmith mode, and some new animation and shooting mechanics, Modern Warfare 2 is shaping up to be an addictive experience – and the game isn’t even out yet.
So, this guide has been designed with one question in mind: when does the Modern Warfare 2 beta end? It’s an important question so we can squeeze as many unlocks in as possible before the game gets taken away from us.
When does the Modern Warfare 2 beta end?
The Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 beta ended at 1 pm EDT/6 pm BST on September 26, 2022.
Now, you can no longer play the client so you can just uninstall it and wait for the full release of the game or the early access release of the campaign.
That’s everything we know about the Modern Warfare 2 beta end date. If you want to get one over on the competition, then check out our best guns to use in the beta guide. Or, you can find out how to unlock the FSS Hurricane before the beta ends.