Genshin Impact recently broke the 60 character mark with the introduction of Scaramouche (Wanderer) and Faruzan. Sporting an increasingly diverse cast of units to pull, developer HoYoverse’s ARPG is getting better at offering players more interesting ways to explore the world of Teyvat. However, there are some characters which players have regretted spending their hard earned Primogems on, and a new character regret poll over on Reddit has captured a snapshot of their sentiments.
According to a poll of 824 users – the results beautifully displayed by ‘riridouluvme’ – the Genshin Impact characters that players wish they could turn back the clock and avoid on the Genshin Impact banner the most are Cyno, Klee, and Childe. It’s a pretty small sample size considering the scale of the playerbase, but nonetheless worth paying attention to.
Cyno may be the General Mahamatra, but he is also the least-desirable character according to the list. With 100 votes to his name, players were chiefly disappointed with his kit and damage output, followed by the feel of his gameplay.
Among the list of characters with more complete breakdowns of what made them less desirable, Eula’s design is considered ‘dated’, while bow users Childe and Ganyu lost the most points for their gameplay. Bow users have traditionally not felt as fluid to use as some of the other classes, due to a reliance by some of them on aimed, charged attacks. Although Ganyu features highly on our Genshin Impact tier list thanks to the ridiculous damage numbers she can put up, that’s not enough to spare her.
Of the characters with a 5%+ share of the voting, despite the high regret, Hu Tao has generated the fourth-most revenue in a single banner with her 2021 rerun ($25,226,952 according to GenshinLab). Only the release banners for Venti ($30,632,752), Raiden Shogun ($33,020,905), and Ayaka ($35,939,066) top that. As with Ganyu, however, it appears that the desire for an S-Tier character like Hu Tao has been matched by a distaste for her playstyle once pulled.
Needless to say, there are some surprises in the results considering the popularity of certain characters.