Deathloop‘s Xbox release date has been confirmed for September 20, 2022, and it is hitting Game Pass on the same day. This confirms a previous leak for the game which said it would hit next week.
The Xbox version of the game will come with everything that has been added and improved in the PlayStation and PC versions, so you will be getting the best version of the game on Xbox Series X|S.
Alongside the Xbox release of the game will also see a brand new ‘Golden Loop’ update that adds in an extended ending for the game, cross-platform matchmaking, new upgrades, a new weapon, new enemies, and more.
This date was actually leaked earlier this week by the Xbox Two podcast and arrives after the game’s exclusivity on PS5 ended on September 14, 2022.
You can watch the trailer below, which also features a pretty awesome Japanese cover of one of the game’s original tracks.

If you aren’t sure whether or not Deathloop is for you, our Deathloop review from last year covers why it is one of the most memorable and unique games in recent years.