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Marco 5 Warzone unlock - how to get the Season 4 akimbo SMG

Call of Duty Warzone players are getting a new SMG in Season 4 and it's going to shred at close ranges - here's how to unlock the Marco 5 in Warzone Season 4

Marco 5 Warzone Unlock: A masked man shooting an SMG in a cave

With the Call of Duty Season 4 start time passed, battle royale players are going to have a lot of choices when it comes to what they want to shove into their best Warzone loadouts – and we just know that there’s going to be a lot of arguments over which weapons are the best Warzone guns on offer. However, the newest submachine gun to be introduced to Call of Duty Warzone may just be one of the best. If you want to know how to unlock the Marco 5 SMG in Warzone Season 4, you’re in the right place.

In the Call of Duty blog post showcasing what’s on the Warzone Season 4 roadmap, the Marco 5 is described as “a high mobility submachine gun, accurate from the hip with excellent close-range stopping power”. It’s also then explained that this is going to be “the first SMG in Vanguard to feature the Akimbo Proficiency”. Yeah, knowing how to unlock the Marco 5 in Warzone is sounding a little more interesting, isn’t it?

Well, stick around and we’ll fill you in on all the details. It’s safe to say that this SMG could easily find a home in the upper echelons of the Warzone meta when it’s made available.

Marco 5 Warzone unlock

If you want to unlock the Marco 5 in Warzone during Season 4, you will need to reach Tier 15 in the Battle Pass.

This should be a free reward for the tier, so no purchase is necessary. Alternatively, you could also purchase a Store Bundle with a Marco 5 weapon blueprint to unlock it instantly.

Well, there it is – everything you need to know about getting your hands on the newest SMG to grace our Warzone loadouts. Is it going to shoot to the top of the useage charts? Probably. Will it stay there? We’ll have to wait and see.