Over the last handful of weeks, to celebrate the Assassin’s Creed series’ 15th anniversary, Ubisoft has been sharing some rather interesting insider information about its action-adventure turned action-RPG game series with one Assassin’s Creed title being the topic of talk per week. This week’s title of topic is the criminally underrated Assassin’s Creed 3. In a ‘Did You Know’ post about the aforementioned game, Ubisoft has revealed that Assassin’s Creed 3 only had one, lonely cat in the entire game.
We know this is quite hard to believe looking at the more modern Assassin’s Creed games, but it’s true. Ubisoft has confirmed that “there is one cat in the entire game, which took up 24 kilobytes” of data. If you haven’t stumbled across “this little cutie”, you can find him roaming around the fish stand in the game’s marketplace – a fitting place for a feline.
In addition to this rather interesting tidbit of information, Ubisoft has also revealed that the development team purposely hid the presence of Haytham Kenway from pre-release coverage of Assassin’s Creed 3 to better the surprise of the game’s prologue.
It was also revealed that the canoes in the spin-off title Assassin’s Creed Liberation were actually piloted by an alligator underneath each canoes hidden beneath the water’s surface. We’re guessing that things have evolved since then, but who knows? Maybe there has been a hidden croc underneath Eivor’s longship this whole time.
With reports claiming that Assassin’s Creed Infinity could finally visit Japan, but an argument to be had as to why an Aztec Assassin’s Creed game makes perfect sense, there’s no telling what Ubisoft has in store when we come to the end of this long road down memory lane. Evidence for an Assassin’s Creed 1 remake is mounting, but nothing is set in stone just yet. We just hope cats are part of the conversation, no matter what.