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A Plague Tale Requiem flower, feather locations for Hugo’s collection

Get the full list of all the A Plague Tale Requiem flower and feather locations for Hugo's Collection for Amicia to wear on her journey

A Plague Tale Requiem Flower Feather Locations Hugo's Collection: Hugo can be seen

One of the harder-to-find items in A Plague Tale Requiem‘s world is the flowers and feathers that Hugo adores so much. And, with 12 to find, they are well-hidden often tucked away, slightly out of view, or hidden within the grass and the environment. So to save you from getting frustrated like Amicia gets in the game, this guide has all the A Plague Tale Requiem flower, feather locations for Hugo’s collection.

A Plague Tale Requiem flower and feather locations for Hugo’s Collection

A Plague Tale Requiem has five flower locations and seven feather locations scattered around the game’s chapters. They all tend to be found in small bunches in the grass, usually by trees where plants can grow, or where birds nest.

Below you can find a guide as to how many are in each chapter, with more detailed guides beneath that going over where to find them. You can also find images for them as well:

  • Chapter 2 – one flower location
  • Chapter 3 – one flower location
  • Chapter 4 – one flower location
  • Chapter 5 – one flower location
  • Chapter 6 – one feather location
  • Chapter 7 – one feather location
  • Chapter 8 – one feather location
  • Chapter 9 – one feather location
  • Chapter 10 – one feather location
  • Chapter 11 – one feather location
  • Chapter 13 – one feather location
  • Chapter 16 – one flower location

A Plague Tale Requiem Chapter 2 flower location


Once Amicia and Lucas escape the rats underground in this chapter you will find yourself outside of the town. On the story path, you will walk through a small garden and Lucas will sit down at a plant. Interact with it to get the first flower in Hugo’s collection.

A Plague Tale Requiem Flower Feather Locations Hugo's Collection: Lucas can be seen crouching by the flower

A Plague Tale Requiem Chapter 3 flower location


Fairly far into this chapter, you will come across a Herbalist’s hut in a rat-infested village. Before you go into the hut, look up at the big tree which has several flower pots hanging from it. Shoot them down with your sling and you can then pick up the flower from them.

A Plague Tale Requiem Flower Feather Locations Hugo's Collection: The pot with the flower can be seen

A Plague Tale Requiem Chapter 4 flower locations


Once you reach the beach with Lucas in this chapter, head right away from the big ships. At the end of the path, you can find the flower on the ground to grab.

A Plague Tale Requiem Flower Feather Locations Hugo's Collection: The path to the flower can be seen

A Plague Tale Requiem Chapter 5 flower location


Once you get to the bridge in this chapter, you will eventually cross over to the opposite side of where your mother, Hugo, and Lucas are. Once underneath the bridge, look up to find a chain you can break, lowering a plank of wood. Climb up using the cart and follow the cliff until you reach the flower.

A Plague Tale Requiem Flower Feather Locations Hugo's Collection: The chain to the bridge can be seen

A Plague Tale Requiem Chapter 6 feather location


At the start of the chapter, you and Hugo will walk through a large field and Hugo will race you. Make it to the tree in the middle of the field and you will find some feathers on the ground. Interact with Hugo to get the feather.

A Plague Tale Requiem Flower Feather Locations Hugo's Collection: Hugo can be seen interacting with the feather

A Plague Tale Requiem Chapter 7 feather location

Black Headed Gull

After starting the chapter, Hugo will charge into some seagulls and you will see a small hut on your left. Inside, you can jump through the left window and head up the path to find the feather on the ground.

A Plague Tale Requiem Flower Feather Locations Hugo's Collection: Hugo and Amicia can be seen running to the hut

A Plague Tale Requiem Chapter 8 feather Location

Black Kite

After you get off the boat with Arnaud, you will eventually reach a market. Head up and to the left to find a small garden and a woman. Continue past her and go down the small pathway that leads to a tree with some feathers on the ground to get the feather for Hugo.

A Plague Tale Requiem Flower Feather Locations Hugo's Collection: Amicia and Hugo can be seen walking through the garden

A Plague Tale Requiem Chapter 9 feather location

Barn Owl

After you finish the second stealth section, when making your way up to the ruins, you will find yourself in a tower. Climb all the way up to the top of this tower and then up again onto the cliff sidepath. Do not jump down from the top of the tower. The feather can be found on the ground on this side path up on the cliff.

A Plague Tale Requiem Flower Feather Locations Hugo's Collection: The feather on the cliff can be seen

A Plague Tale Requiem Chapter 10 feather location


After you finish the first enemy encounter in this chapter, you will come across an old temple. Sophia will interact with a wheel while you use the crossbow on a chandelier. Smash through the door and then take the paved path ahead. On your left, about halfway up you will find a small grass path. Here you can find the feather down the path on the cliff.

A Plague Tale Requiem Flower Feather Locations Hugo's Collection: Amicia and Hugo can be seen looking at the path

A Plague Tale Requiem Chapter 11 feather location

European Goldfinch

After blowing up the first gate using the Greek Fire, look to your right to find another barrel of fire behind a wall. Blow it up with the Ignifer shot to find the feater behind it.

A Plague Tale Requiem Flower Feather Locations Hugo's Collection: Amicica can be seen aiming at the Greek Fire

A Plague Tale Requiem Chapter 13 feather location

Greylag Goose

A lot later on in the chapter, you will need to reach the port. On the way, you find a cart you can push. Instead of pushing it ahead, push it back towards where you came from, on the left. Here you will see a place you can climb up and collect the feather.

A Plague Tale Requiem Flower Feather Locations Hugo's Collection: Amicia can be seen pushing the cart

A Plague Tale Requiem Chapter 16 flower location


From the start of the chapter, follow the linear path until Lucas stops to look at some flowers. Interact with them to pick up the Carnation, which is the final collectible in the game.

A Plague Tale Requiem Flower Feather Locations Hugo's Collection: Lucas can be seen looking at the flowers

And with that, you have all of the A Plague Tale Requiem flower, feather locations for Hugo’s collection in the game. In addition to these items, you can also find souvenir locations scattered around the chapters in the chapter list, which will get you an additional achievement on top of the two for finding the feathers and flowers. For even more help across the game, check out our A Plague Tale Requiem walkthrough.